
  • 网络optical flow;optic flow;optical flow method
  1. 基于隔帧差分区域光流法的运动目标检测

    Moving Targets Detection Based on Regional Optical Flow of Discontinuous Frame

  2. 基于光流法和颜色概率分布的特征点匹配

    Optical Flow and Color Distribution-based Feature Point Matching

  3. 基于Susan算子和光流法的三维点云模型重建

    Reconstruction of three dimensional cloud points model based on Susan operator and optical flow algorithm

  4. 结合Gaussian分布和LK光流法的视频对象分割算法

    Video Object Segmentation Algorithm Based on Gaussian Distribution with LK Optical Flow Method

  5. 其中有基于各类背景建模的跟踪方法,光流法,特征点聚类法,Mean-shift方法等。

    These methods include Gaussian background modeling , optic-flow , feature-clustering and mean-shift .

  6. 最后使用基于rgb模型的光流法,得到爆炸过程中的云雾扩散速度。

    Finally , the improved optical flow method based on rgh model is applied in the estimation of the velocity of the diffusing cloud in explosion .

  7. 基于标号场的光流法二维运动估计

    Two-dimension motion estimation based on labeling field and optical flow field

  8. 特征光流法可较好的解决上述问题。

    The feature-optical-flow method has the better solutions for the faults .

  9. 光流法在视频目标检测和目标跟踪中应用广泛。

    It has broad application in video object diction and tracking system .

  10. 基于虚拟线圈的光流法车流量检测

    Detecting Traffic Volume Statistics Based on Virtual Coil with Optical Flow Method

  11. 光流法是运动图像分析的重要方法,它能够检测出独立运动的对象,不需要预先知道场景的任何信息,并且可用于摄像机运动的情况;

    Optical flow method is an important method of motion image analysis .

  12. 改进的光流法及其在云爆弹研究中的应用

    Improved optical flow method and its application in the study on FAE

  13. 光流法在靶区运动图像配准中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Optical Flow Method in Target Volume Motion Image Registration

  14. 基于光流法的舰船运动要素测定原理研究

    Study of Principle of Measuring Ship Motion Elements Based on Optical Flow Field

  15. 最后对光流法在未来其他领域如电子制造业和芯片检测行业的应用提出展望。

    In the end , prospect of applications of optical flow is discussed .

  16. 运动目标检测主要采用光流法。

    Optical flow is used for moving target detection .

  17. 分别介绍了梯度光流法和特征光流法2种算法,并对其优缺点进行了比较。

    The gradient-based approach and feature-based approach were discussed and compared with each other .

  18. 分析了时间差分法、背景减除法、光流法等常用的几种运动人体检测算法。

    A method for performance evaluation of motion detection algorithm based on background subtraction ;

  19. 目标检测的各种方法,主要包括背景消除法和光流法等等。

    Various methods of target detection include the background subtraction method and the optical flow method .

  20. 阐述了基于光流法、块匹配法等实现二维到三维视频转换原理。

    The method of obtaining motion information like optical flow and block matching etc is introduced .

  21. 并分别将光流法和仿射粒子滤波纳入系统框架,实现了完整的跟踪功能。

    Optical flow and particle filter on affine group are incorporated in our tracking system framework .

  22. 同时,我们实现了金字塔图像和传统的光流法相结合的目标跟踪算法。

    What is more , we implement object-tracking algorithm combining optical flow and Pyramid representation of image .

  23. 因此本文结合两种方法,采用稀疏光流法进行计算。

    Thus , we adopt sparse optical flow approach by combing that two approaches in this paper .

  24. 不过,光流法仍然是目前动态纹理分析的主要方法之一。

    However , Optical Flow still is the main method in dynamic textures analysis now . 3 .

  25. 将光流法和仿射粒子滤波分别纳入本文设计的半监督学习跟踪系统框架。

    Optical flow and particle filter on affine group are incorporated in our semi-supervised learning based tracking framework .

  26. 为了获取运动目标的运动参数,采用了光流法。

    In order to get the motion parameters of the moving object , optical flow method is introduced .

  27. 该方法直接在三维超声图像的位移场上进行了运动估计,避免了传统运动估计方法,如光流法,需要标定的缺点。

    It was computed on the displacement fields instead of on the optical flow fields , which needs calibration .

  28. 运动目标检测和识别的常用算法有背景差法、帧间差法和光流法等。

    Motion detection has the following method : Background Subtraction Algorithm , Frame Difference Algorithm and Optical Flow Algorithm .

  29. 在对风暴质心运动趋势的预报中,则是使用线形外推与光流法相结合的方法。

    To the forecast of the storm centroid position , the linear extrapolation and Optical Flow method are adopted .

  30. 然后介绍了光流法的理论,但光流计算复杂,不能满足实时性要求。

    Afterward , the optical flow theory is introduced which is complex and can not meet the real-time requirement .