
  1. 他的秃顶在光中闪亮。

    His bald head shines in the light .

  2. 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。

    Light reveals the subtle alteration of things , the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life .

  3. 环丁烷型嘧啶二聚体(Pyr<>Pyr)是太阳光中紫外线造成DNA损伤的主要光化学产物。

    Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers ( Pyr < > Pyr ) are the major DNA photoproducts induced by the UV radiation .

  4. 利用反射光中拉曼(Raman)反射光的温度依存性质,可以计算出发生反射的点的温度值,与传统温度计的不同之处是光纤温度计可以连续测量光纤的温度分布。

    Used the interdependent nature with temperature of Raman reflecting light exiting in the reflecting light , the temperature value of launching point can be calculated . The different part of it with the traditional one is that optical fiber thermometer can continuously measure the temperature distribution .

  5. 反应器能充分利用太阳光中直射和散射的紫外光,在阴天也能有效地运行。

    The reactor could utilize direct and scattering ultraviolet light in sunlight sufficiently , and also work well on cloudy day .

  6. 太阳光中的紫外光辐射是引起沥青在路面服务期间发生老化的主要自然因素之一,尤其在海拔较高的强紫外光辐射地区。

    The principal reason of asphalt oxidation and embrittlement during service period is ultraviolet radiation in sunlight , especially in the high elevation areas where there is intensive ultraviolet radiation .

  7. 农田小麦的反射光谱与热红外温度的测定表明,作物生长愈好,其对可见光中的蓝紫光与红光反射愈低,而对近红外反射愈高;

    The reflectance spectra and the heat IR Observation of wheat in field indicate that the better the crop is growing , the lower the reflectance of visible light , but the higher the near IR reflectance .

  8. 半正交B样条小波及其在曲线曲面光顺中的应用

    Semi-orthogonal B-spline wavelets and its application to curve and surface fairing

  9. 多量子阱光波导中非线性TM波的有限元解

    Finite-element solution of nonlinear TM waves in multiple quantum well waveguides

  10. WDM光网络中虚拓扑重构算法研究

    Research about Algorithm of Reconfiguration of Virtual Topology in WDM Network

  11. 一种WDM光网络中的递归式子通路保护算法

    A Novel Recursive Shared Segment Protection Algorithm in Survivable WDM Networks

  12. 空心平板光波导中三脉冲TE模光子回波

    Three-Pulse TE Mode Photon Echo in Hollow Slab Optical Waveguides

  13. 多播格状WDM光网络中流量疏导的一种启发性算法

    A Heuristic Algorithm for Grooming of Traffic in Multicast Mesh WDM Optical Networks

  14. 微波技术在合成TiO2光催化剂中的应用进展

    Application and Advance of Microwave in the Synthesis TiO_2 Photocatalyst

  15. 本文第二章研究WDM光网络中的多播约束路由问题。

    Chapter 2 of this dissertation studies the constrained multicast routing problem in WDM networks .

  16. Rb原子磁光阱中囚禁原子数目与实验参数的依赖关系

    Dependence of number of trapped atoms on the experimental parameters of Rb magneto-optical trap

  17. MPLSoverWDM光互联网中多优先级标记交换路径路由算法研究

    The Study on Routing Algorithms of Multi-priority Label Switch Path in MPLS over WDM Mesh Networks

  18. 在光域中没有光RAM,因此基于缓存的QoS方案在全光交换的网络中无法应用。

    There is no optical RAM in optical domain , so QoS programs , which based on cache , can not be applied in all-optical switching networks .

  19. 光网络中的全光上下话路(OADM)技术

    All Optical Add / Drop Multiplexing ( OADM ) Technologies in Optical Networks

  20. 自旋相关光晶格中Bose-Einstein凝聚体的干涉机制与独立凝聚体的隧穿动力学研究

    Interference of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Spin-dependent Optical Lattice and Tunneling Dynamics between Two Independent Bose-Einstein Condensates

  21. DHA是大脑中最丰富的长链多不饱和脂肪酸之一,也是视网膜光受体中最丰富的多不饱和脂肪酸。

    DHA is one of the richest content of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid reviewed in brain and in retina light acceptor .

  22. 在WDM光网络中引入多粒度交换可以有效地减小交换节点中交叉连接矩阵的规模,从而大大降低网络的成本。

    Adopting multi-granularity switching in WDM optical networks can dramatically reduce the size of optical cross-connect , which saves the cost of building and maintaining of networks .

  23. 光发射机中MZ型波导调制器产生CTB的分析

    Analysis of MZ Waveguide Modulator Induced CTB in AM CATV Optical Fiber Externally Modulated Transmitter

  24. 研究了WDM光网络中的动态业务下的波长分配问题,在无波长转换器的条件下提出了一种改进的动态门限算法。

    In this paper , an improved heuristic algorithm which is based on the Dynamic Threshold Method is proposed for dynamic wavelength assignment in WDM networks without wavelength conversion .

  25. 5-氨基酮戊酸光疗法中采用脉冲式染料激光器治疗Bowen病的研究

    Investigation of the use of the pulsed dye laser in the treatment of Bowen 's disease using 5-aminolaevulinic acid phototherapy

  26. 阐述了作为IP与ATM融合的新一代网络交换技术&多协议标记交换(MPLS),及其在光网络中的应用。

    The next switch technology , multi-protocol label switch ( MPLS ), which is convergence of IP and ATM , and its application in the optical transport network ( OTN ) is presented .

  27. 串扰是波分复用(WDM)光网络中限制光交叉连接(OXC)节点容量的一个重要因素。

    The crosstalk is an important limiting factor in optical wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) networks with optical cross connect ( OXC ) nodes .

  28. WDM光网络中的一个核心问题就是如何选择有效的算法和协议来建立光路,也就是如何解决RWA问题。

    It is the key problem that how to switch an effective algorithm and available protocol to make up light-paths as well as solving RWA problem .

  29. 玻璃基离子交换技术是大规模制作FTTH中,特别是无源光网络中,功能器件的一个很好的选择。

    Glass-based ion exchange technology is a very good choice in fabricating function devices in building FTTH , especially the positives optical network .

  30. 研究不同激光入射角度对不同类型高功率CO2激光表面硬化效果的影响。最后用有限差分束传播方法模拟了不同入射角度时条形光波导中光场的传播,数值结果与光线法一致。

    This paper presents the research result of different CO_2 laser beams and incident angles on the hardening properties on nodular iron . Finally the theses carried out a numerical simulation of optical field propagation in the planar waveguide with FD-BPM method .