
  • 网络EDM traversing
  1. 光电测距导线的精度分析和设计

    Accuracy Analysis and Design of Photoelectric Distance Measuring Traverse

  2. 论低等级光电测距导线的技术标准

    Discussion on Technological Standards of Elementary EDM Traverse

  3. 光学测距传感器的工程计算光电测距导线测量的精度探讨

    Applications of Optical Distance Measurement Sensors On Accuracy of Electro & optical Distance Traversing

  4. 论证了光电测距导线中等影响原则的不合理性,提出了角度测量和边长测量的合理精度。

    This paper proves the principle of equal influence is unreasonable in electro-optical distance traverses , proposes the reasonable accuracy of angular measure and linear measure .

  5. 光电测距高程导线网与水准网联合平差分析

    Union Adjusted Analysis for Photoelectric Ranging Height Wire Network and Leveling Network

  6. 井下光电测距和电子测角导线精度分析

    Accuracy analysis of underground electro optical distance and electronics angle traversing

  7. 随着光电测距仪及电子计算机的普遍采用,以光电测距导线布设城市及工程建设地区的基本平面控制网正在得到推广。

    Since the application of PDM instuments and electronic computers became popular , the establishment of the fundamental plane control network of city or engineering construction site with PDM traverse has been extended .