
  • 网络international model
  1. 一般工程中标后,我公司将按国际模式实施项目法施工,成立工程总承包项目经理部。

    In general , once we win the bidding , our company will carry out project standard constructions in international models and establish Project Management Department of general contracting of project .

  2. 农业科技园区建设发展的国际模式借鉴

    International Model Reference of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Garden Development

  3. 大学治理结构的三种国际模式

    Three International Patterns of University Governance and Inspiration in Chinese Higher Education

  4. 国有企业产权制度变迁:国际模式与中国的现实探索

    Institutional Change of State-owned Enterprise Property : International Mode and Realistic Research in China

  5. 它们是自由放任主义模式,国家监管模式和国际模式。

    They are the laissez-faire model , the national regulation model and the international model .

  6. 本文从大学治理结构的内涵出发,对当代大学治理结构模式进行了分析。当代大学治理结构存在三种主要国际模式:一种是以内部人监督为主的关系型治理结构模式;

    The paper interprets the university governance , and discusses the international patterns of university governance and analysis on the performance .

  7. 在违约救济领域存在着多种模式,理论上较为完善的有大陆模式、英美模式以及国际模式三种。

    In the field of remedy for breach of contract , there are many patterns in which continental pattern , American-British pattern and international pattern are comparatively perfect theories .

  8. 支持向量机理论是基于结构风险最小化理论提出的,它在解决小样本问题方面表现出许多特有的优势,并已成为国际模式识别领域首选的分类器。

    Support vector machine is based on the theory of structural risk minimization , it has many advantages when to solve the small sample problems , it is already the best classifier in pattern recognition area .

  9. 通过四个方面介绍NIIT教育与传统高校教育的区别,以及其先进的国际教育模式。

    The paper introduces the differences between NITT education and the traditional higher education from four respects . And advanced international education pattern is introduced too .

  10. 全球治理与国际立法模式的转变

    Global governance and the transition of legislative mode of international law

  11. 中国农业技术的国际扩散模式及竞争策略

    China 's International Diffusion Mode in Agriculture Technique and Competitive Strategies

  12. 中国民营企业国际营销模式标准化与本土化

    International Marketing Pattern of Chinese Privately Owned Enterprise Standardization and Localization

  13. Partnering:提高建筑工程绩效的国际经营模式

    Partnering : the Way to Improve the Performance of Project Management

  14. 国际创业模式与组织绩效关系:一个基于知识的概念模型刘帮成1,王重鸣2

    International entrepreneurship mode and Choice : a knowledge-based conceptual model

  15. 基于中间层组织理论的国际贸易模式选择

    The Choice of International Trade Pattern Based on the Theory of Intermediaries

  16. 浅议开放性国际教育模式的新尝试

    A Discussion about an Experiment of Opening International Education Mode

  17. 中国足球运动员国际营销模式研究

    Research on the International Marketing Mode of Chinese Football Players

  18. 中国国际贸易模式:金融制度效应的分析视角

    International Trade of China : From the View of Financial Development Effect

  19. 努力与国际通行模式接轨的中国铁路集装箱运输

    China Railway Container Transport Making Effort to Connect with international Popular Intermodel

  20. 跨国公司国际生产模式:内部化、外部化与趋势

    International Production Mode of Transnational Corporations : Internalization , Externalization and Trend

  21. 跨国公司国际创业模式选择的影响因素研究

    Study on Influencing Factors of Transnational Corporations ' Choosing International Entrepreneurial Modes

  22. 知识内隐性与国际进入模式选择研究

    Study on the Selection of Knowledge Tacit Character and Foreign Entry Models

  23. 学者把这种模式成为国际创业模式。

    This mode of internationalization is defined as international entrepreneurship mode by researchers .

  24. 会场按国际会议模式配置同声传译设备。

    The meeting place will deploy facilities for simultaneous interpretation as international conference pattern .

  25. 动画产品国际贸易模式研究

    Research on International Trade Mode of Animation

  26. 中药制剂及其规范化、标准化的试验模式,也正在逐步与国际药物学模式接轨。

    The standardization and normalization of traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceutical experiment model is converging the international level .

  27. 区港联动是发展自由贸易区的国际通行模式。

    Integration of zone and port is an internationally adopted mode of development of free trade zone .

  28. 中国沿海地区制造业发展:国际代工模式与创新

    The Development of Manufacturing Industry in China 's Coastal Areas : The Mode of International Subcontracting and its Innovation

  29. 恒海国际教育模式与目前国内较为普遍的教育模式将形成良好的互补关系。

    The educational pattern of Eternal Sea International and common educational pattern in China form a good mutual complementary relationship .

  30. 这一新的服务国际分工模式发展前景广阔,对整个世界经济有重要影响。

    This new kind of international labor division of service is playing a vital role on the whole world economy .