
  1. 国家棉花品种区试方案中几个问题的商榷

    Discussion on Some Points in National Cotton Variety Regional Test Project

  2. 国家甘蔗品种生产示范试验初报

    A primary report on the productive testing of national cane variety

  3. 第三轮国家甘蔗品种在广西南宁的区试表现

    The third regional sugarcane variety test in Nanning , Guangxi

  4. 国家甘蔗品种第五轮区域试验广西隆安点表现

    Report of Fifth Regional Trial of National Sugarcane Varieties in Longan County

  5. 国家甘蔗品种第六轮区试漳州蔗区品种初步评价

    Evaluation on the Sixth Round Regional Trial of National Sugarcane Varieties in Zhangzhou

  6. 国家棉花品种区域试验90年代参试品种抗病性评述

    Evaluation on Disease Resistance of National Cotton Variety Regional Test in the 90 ′ s

  7. 第五轮国家甘蔗品种在广西南宁和隆安生产示范试验的表现

    Summary of Demonstration Trial of the Fifth National Sugarcane Varieties in Nanning and Longan Guangxi

  8. 国家甜菜品种区域试验品种稳定性分析

    Analysis on the stability of testing varieties in the national regional trials of sugarbeet variety

  9. 紫花苜蓿国家审定品种的产量、再生性、秋眠性及持久性测定分析

    Regrowth , fall dormancy and persistence of alfalfa varieties released by Chinese Forage Variety Registration Commission

  10. 研究人员测试了来自非洲,亚洲和南美12个国家新品种家用瓷釉油漆。

    Researchers tested new enamel paints from twelve countries in Africa , Asia and South America .

  11. 1国家植物品种委员会及国家动物品种委员会的地位,依部长会议的规则予以安排。

    1 the status of the state variety Commission and the state breed Commission is arranged by the rules of the Council of ministers .

  12. 2002年和2003年国家夏谷新品种区域试验,平均单产5296.5kg/hm2,较对照豫谷5号增产14.4%。

    The average yield was 5 296.5 kg / hm ~ 2 in national millet variety trials which was 14.4 % higher than that of the control .

  13. 目的研究国家中药品种保护制度实施以来对提高中药质量标准的推动作用。

    Methods To compare the obvious advances of the protected TCM quality standard to unprotected and the TCM quality standards before and after the regulation was carried out .

  14. 在2003-2004年漳州蔗区进行的2新1宿国家甘蔗品种区域试验中,参试的12个国家甘蔗品种在农艺性状方面表现为出苗率较好,分蘖力强,植株高大。

    The 12 tested new sugarcane varieties had good germination , good tilling and tall plant height during 2003 - 2004 National Sugarcane Varieties Regional Trial in Zhangzhou Fujian Province .

  15. 2003-2005年,共有12个利用优异蔬菜种质资源育成的蔬菜新品种通过广东省或国家农作物品种审定。

    Moreover , some good vegetable germplasm had been used in breeding programs , and twelve vegetable and sweet corn varieties had been examined and approved by the government during 2003-2005 .

  16. 自1949年以来,山东先后从50多个国家引进品种3000多个,直接或间接利用成效显著的有10余个。

    Since 1949 , over 3000 varieties of wheat have been introduced from more than 50 coun - tries . Over 10 of them produced marked effectiveness after direct or indirect using .

  17. 利用联合方差分析、品种稳定性分析、聚类分析对2001年国家玉米品种区域试验西南组的产量结果进行综合分析发现:区组、品种、试点、品种与试点互作间的差异均达极显著水平;

    Yield of maize variety in national region trail in 2001 ( Southwestern China Group ) was analyzed comprehensively by means of joint analysis of variance , analysis of variety stability and cluster analysis .

  18. 在2002~2003年的国家甜菜品种区试中,全国两年34个点次平均根产量61950.8kg/hm2,比对照品种提高25.3%;

    Total 34 sites data was analyzed from the National Sugarbeet Variety Regional Test from 2002 to 2003.The mean root yield was 61950.8 kg / ha , increased by 25.3 % in comparison with control variety ;

  19. 发达国家家禽品种本身就比较单一,遗传资源贫乏,加之过份追求经济性状的遗传和集约化生产,因而原本就十分少有的地方品种也同样面临消亡的危机。

    In the developed country , the number of domestic animal breeds is very small and with less animal genetic resources , local domestic animal breeds also witness extinct crisis for overemphasis single productivity and intensive production .

  20. 采用灰色关联分析的原理与方法,分析了15个大豆品种的主要性状对产量的影响程度,并对2004年黄淮海中片国家大豆品种区试结果进行了评判。

    Effects of the major agronomic properties of 15 soybean cultivars on their yields were studied by using the method of grey related analysis . The 2004 test results of the national soybean district in the middle of the Huang-Huai-Hai area were evaluated as well .

  21. 根据2002年国家棉花品种区试黄河流域棉花品种区域试验数据和河南省棉花质量检测中心抽样数据,分析棉花长度、比强度、麦克隆值等纤维品质指标。

    According to the data obtained in 2002 from National Regional Test on Cotton Varieties in the valley of Yellow River and from Henan Supervisor Center of Cotton Quality , the main indexes of cotton fibre quality such as Len , Str , Mic were studied .

  22. 1998年TCS注射剂作为计划生育类用药被国家基本药物品种目录收录(NO.676),可直接用于临床。

    In 1998 , TCS was accepted by our National Basic Drugs Catalog as an agent for birth control .

  23. 鸣山大枣,果大,质脆甜,品质极优,被列为国家名优品种。

    The Mingshan big jujube is a famous native variety of jujube in China .

  24. 我国是世界枇杷主要生产国家,栽培品种众多,种质资源十分丰富。

    China is main production countries in the world , with cultivars varieties and a wealth of germplasm resources .

  25. 第三十六条国家实行中药品种保护制度。具体办法由国务院制定。

    Article 36 The State Council shall formulate detailed measures to carry out a protection system for the categorization of traditional Chinese medicines .

  26. 2004、2005年定为国家重点推介品种。2005年北京、河北和天津良种补贴品种。

    It was recommended by Ministry of Agriculture as one of the key cultivars in 2004 and 2005 , and subsidized in Beijing , Hebei and Tianjin respectively in 2005 .

  27. 组配的一代杂交组合荧光×春玉通过国家特殊蚕品种审定,这在国内外尚属首次。

    F1 cross combination " Yingguang × Chunyu " has passed varieties examination and been approved by the national special silkworm , this is the first time both at home and abroad .

  28. 植物新品种权(plantvarietyright)又称为育种者权利,是国家授予植物新品种的培育者(单位或个人)利用其品种而获得利益的权利。

    Plant variety right is known as the breeding right . Allow the breeders ( units or individual ) to use its right which is granted by the state to obtain the benefit .

  29. 此外,对南方稻区国家水稻区域试验品种特异性鉴定、DNA指纹库的扩充和鉴定标记数的确定进行了讨论。

    Moreover , the distinctness assay of rice variety in the national regional yield trial of southern China , and the expansion of DNA fingerprint database and the number of SSR markers for a feasible test were discussed .

  30. 中国加入WTO后,随着马铃薯的国内市场与国际市场接轨,国外发达国家的优质马铃薯品种和加工产品必将大量进入并抢占中国市场,这对中国马铃薯产业必将是一个强大的冲击。

    The domestic market and international market of potato will connected with each other after Chinese entry into the WTO , then potato products with high quality made by developed countries will pouring into and occupy domestic market , and this will be a strong impact to Chinese potato industry .