
  1. 他们将在我们国家的记忆中占有一个无上荣耀的地位。

    They will always have an honored place in the memory of this country .

  2. 异化、国家和记忆:清末民初地方自治的两难

    Dissimilation , Nation and Memory : Local Autonomy in end of Qing and Early Min Be In a Dilemma

  3. 他从即时的环境和对于国家的记忆片段中塑造头脑中的图像。

    He finds his images from the immediate surroundings as well as from the collective memories of the nation .

  4. 庆典的意义并不仅限于庆典本身,它或多或少地改变了我们对于国家的集体记忆。

    It is not only limited to itself in our country but also changed for the collective memory .

  5. 档案不仅是人类社会的宝贵财富,也是一个国家的珍贵记忆。

    Archive is not only a valuable asset of human society , but also the precious memories of the country .

  6. 从殷商始,瞽史一直作为口述历史的传承者,为国家、民族记忆着历史,为史书的文字写定搭建桥梁。

    From the beginning of the Shang , blind historiographer has been the inheritors of historical memory of the country and the nation , to build bridges between the oral historical text and the history books .