
  • 网络Chinese MTV
  1. 音乐和图像,作为音乐电视最基本的构成元素,直接反应着中国音乐电视的发展过程。

    The basic elements of music video music and images directly reflect the development of China music video .

  2. 作为一种文化现象,中国音乐电视在中国大陆近二十年的发展历程中,随着中国社会的不断变迁,也在悄然的发生着变化。

    During its twenty-year-development , China music video , as a cultural phenomenon , is changing silently with the whirligig of China society .

  3. 本文试图从以上几个方面展开论述,为中国音乐电视今后的发展提供一些借鉴。

    This paper attempts to start from the above discussed aspects of Chinese music in the future development of television to provide some reference .

  4. 重新认识定位民族化,从精英走向大众,商品属性的显露,成为了中国音乐电视视听发展的主要趋势。

    The repositioning of " nationalization " and the transformation from elite to the masses and the exposure of its commodity nature are the main trends for China music video development .

  5. 进入21世纪之后,全球经济的一体化,网络媒体的迅速崛起,改革开放的进一步深入,商品经济的不断发展,后现代文化的无情蔓延,使得中国音乐电视遇到了前所未有的挑战与机遇。

    After entering into the 21st century , due to the development of globalization , online media , our reform and opening up policy , market economy and the post-modern culture , China music video is encountered unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities .

  6. 《音乐电视》展播中国制作的音乐电视精品。公司付钱给电视台在电视上做产品广告。

    MUSIC BOX shows the best of China 's MTV products . Companies pay the television networks to display their products on television .

  7. 第四章从客观的角度为中国大陆叙事类音乐电视提出了一些完善建议,包括提高作品质量、扩大收视人群,分析探讨中国大陆音乐电视节目及音乐电视大赛的未来走向等。

    Chapter four put forward some improvement suggestions for narrative Music Video of Chinese Mainland . Included , improve works quality ; expand viewing crowd .

  8. 第三章分析中国大陆叙事类音乐电视存在的问题,分别从题材雷同与叙事模糊,风格单一与情节相似,缺乏悬念与细节,局限与挑战等方面剖析其问题的原因。

    Chapter three analysed the problems of narrative Music Video of Chinese Mainland from similar theme and fuzzy narrative , single style and similar plot , lack of suspense and details , limitation and challenge aspects .