
  • 网络Polyfusion;PETAG
  1. 中域电讯美国一号全力支持我们的领导者李建明先生!

    Telecommunications in the United States on the1st domain fully support our leader Li Jianming President !

  2. 在《美国空军一号》节目中,国家地理频道将一探这位新总统的移动式办公室的所有大小事。

    In the program ," On Board Air Force One ," NGC learns all about the new president 's mobile office .

  3. 卡梅伦还将搭乘美国总统专机空军一号,和奥巴马一同前往俄亥俄州观看篮球赛。

    The Prime Minister will also go to a basketball game in Ohio with Mr Obama , and fly aboard the presidential plane , Air Force One .

  4. 到达安德鲁斯后,奥朗德搭乘美国总统的空军一号前往了托马斯·杰斐逊的故居——蒙蒂塞洛,杰斐逊曾任美国驻法大使。

    Upon arrival at Andrews , he was whisked away aboard Air Force One to Monticello , the home of Thomas Jefferson , once the U.S. minister to France .