
  • 网络United States Secretary of Homeland Security
  1. 美国国土安全部长珍尼特纳波利塔诺(janetnapolitano)昨日承认,现有安检程序存在的缺陷,使得一名携带爆炸物的男子在圣诞节登上了穿越大西洋、飞往底特律的飞机。

    Janet Napolitano , US Homeland Security Secretary , yesterday conceded that flaws in existing security procedures had allowed a man armed with explosives to board a Detroit-bound trans - Atlantic flight on Christmas day .

  2. 一个被人们认为有希望获得提名的人是美国国土安全部长纳波利塔诺。

    One name raised as a possible nominee is Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano .

  3. 这项新规定将由美国国土安全部部长迈克尔切尔托夫(michaelchertoff)于今日宣布,明年1月起施行。

    The new rule is expected to be announced today by Michael Chertoff , the homeland security secretary , and take effect in January .

  4. 美国国土安全部部长迈克尔切尔托夫(michaelchertoff)已初步制定了it安全的“曼哈顿计划”(manhattanproject)方案,包括在政府和私营部门间实现信息共享。

    Michael Chertoff , US Homeland Security Secretary , has outlined plans for a " Manhattan Project " for it security involving the sharing of information between government and the private sector .

  5. 美国国土安全部部长杰•约翰逊(JehJohnson)建议旅行者考虑周到一些:“旅客们请考虑到,等待时间延长了。”我希望我们能拿出比建议旅客考虑周全更好一点的解决办法。

    Jeh Johnson , the US Secretary for Homeland Security , offered travellers some meditative advice : " Contemplate increased wait times as you travel . " I 'd hope we can do a little better than mindful meditation .

  6. 珍妮特纳波利塔诺,美国国土安全部部长,54岁,政治家

    Janet Napolitano , Secretary , US Department of Homeland Security , 54 , United States , Politics

  7. 美国国土安全部部长切尔托夫说,目前还没有迹象显示美国国内有阴谋策划。

    Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff says there are no sig of plotting within the United States .

  8. 美国国土安全部部长珍妮特·纳波利塔诺前往龙卷风受灾区,对那里的居民表示,联邦政府会尽一切努力帮助他们重建家园。

    Homeland security secretary Janet Napolitano toured the area annihilated by the twister telling residents the federal government will do everything in its power to help the recovery .

  9. 美国国土安全部部长简耐特•拿破利塔诺,称前联邦圣地亚哥检举人艾伦•贝司为第一个“边境沙皇”。

    Janet Napolitano , America 's homeland security chief , appointed Alan Bersin , a former federal prosecutor based in San Diego , as the first " border tsar " .

  10. 美国国土安全部部长杰伊·约翰逊今天表示,政府将向那些在没有父母的陪伴下越过边境的非法移民儿童提供人道主义援助。

    Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said today the government is providing humanitarian aid to immigrant children who try to flee across the border , in some cases without their parents .

  11. 白宫方面拒绝透露被滞留儿童数量,这些儿童都和父母分隔两地。名人纷纷通过自己的渠道给伊万卡发信息,呼吁伊万卡支持美国国土安全部部长基尔斯坦·尼尔森辞职。

    While the White House refuses to reveal how many children are still detained in cages and separated from their parents , celebrities are using their platform to send a message directly to Ivanka and call on her to have U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen resign from her position .

  12. 美国国土安全部代理部长兰德·比尔斯9月12,13日前往罗马会见来自法国、德国、意大利、波兰、西班牙和英国他的6个(G6)国际伙伴们。

    U.S. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Rand Beers traveled to Rome September 12-13 to meet with his Group of Six ( G6 ) international counterparts from France , Germany , Italy , Poland , Spain and the United Kingdom .

  13. 美国国土安全部代理部长查得·沃尔夫表示,这些限制措施禁止过去14天内在英国和爱尔兰的外国人入境。

    U.S. acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf says the restrictions bar travel for foreign nationals who have been present in Britain and Ireland in the past 14 days .

  14. 美国国国土安全部部长珍妮特和内政部秘书萨拉查在一份联合声明中说,这项技术并不能完全解决问题。

    " This technique is not a solution to the problem ," Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said in a joint statement .

  15. 美国本周宣布的这个援助计划的主要支持者,美国国土安全部部长纳波利塔诺将在下个月初访问墨西哥,美国司法部长霍尔德也将同行。

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano , a key figure behind this week 's aid package , will visit Mexico early next month along with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder .

  16. 美国已有约20人确诊为猪流感,尽管无人病情严重。美国国土安全部长珍尼特纳波利塔诺(JanetNapolitano)昨日宣布,美国进入公共卫生紧急状态。

    Janet Napolitano , homeland security secretary , yesterday declared a public health emergency in the US as about 20 people there were confirmed to have been infected , though none is seriously ill .