
  • 网络beauty sleep;beauty-enhancing sleep
  1. 你不用睡美容觉,我可要睡的。

    You might not need your beauty sleep , but I do .

  2. 人们需要「美容觉」的概念,已经获得若干科学支持,根据一份瑞典研究。

    The idea of people needing " beauty sleep " has acquired some scientific backing , according to a Swedish study .

  3. 你明明知道Eleanor很在意美容觉的

    Serena : Well , you know how Eleanor feels about beauty rest .

  4. 我们现在问完问题了吗?(Allen)是的,你得去睡美容觉了,这样我们明天就能录视频了!

    Are we done with all the asking questions now ?( Allen ) Yeah , you 've got to get your beauty sleep so we can video tape tomorrow !

  5. 当然。我看你的确需要睡点美容觉。

    Sure . I guess you do need some beauty sleep .

  6. 别再热衷于疯狂饮水和睡美容觉了。

    Forget glugging countless glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep .

  7. 再见吧,我得去睡个美容觉。

    Good night , I must get my beauty sleep .

  8. 下列5个小贴士能让你优先考虑睡眠,让你睡上一个减肥美容觉:

    Try these tips for making sleep a priority and getting your beauty rest :

  9. 如果你想睡一个美容觉?

    And if you need your beauty sleep ?

  10. 但是我得睡美容觉呀。

    But I need my beauty sleep .

  11. 俺正在失去睡美容觉的机会

    Missing out on beauty sleep here

  12. 我要睡美容觉啊!

    I need my beauty sleep !

  13. 人人都需要美容觉,但不能睡得太过头,否则周一早上会感到没精打采。

    We all need that beauty sleep , but dont overdo it . Otherwise youll feel exhausted and cranky Monday morning .

  14. 尽管“美容觉”这一说法已经不是什么新鲜事,最新研究还是证明了睡觉确实能够改善人的外表。

    Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth , a recent research proves sleep does enhance your appearance .

  15. 英国广播公司报道,斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡医学院的研究表明,“美容觉”的概念是有科学依据的。

    The concept of " beauty sleep " has acquired scientific backing , according to a Swedish study of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm , the BBC reports .

  16. 新的研究表明,晚上睡觉时在卧室里给手机充电不只会干扰美容觉,还有可能会使人变胖。

    Having a glowing smartphone in your bedroom at night could do more than interrupt your beauty sleep - it could also make you fat , researchers have warned 。

  17. 而人们公认的其他保持青春容颜的法则,比如多喝水,睡美容觉,定期锻炼,却并不能阻止无情的岁月在脸上留下痕迹。

    However , other supposed rules for a youthful complexion , from drinking lots of water to sleeping well and exercising regularly , failed to hold back the hands of time .

  18. 趴着睡觉是美容觉的大忌。头部平均重量是7-8磅——趴着的话对脸部可是不小的压力。

    Lying on your stomach is bad for " beauty sleep . " The average head weighs 7 to 8 pounds - a lot of pressure to be putting on your face every night .