
  • 网络Aesthetic restoration;esthetics of restorative dentistry
  1. 目的:提高烤瓷全冠的美学修复效果。

    Objective It is to increase the aesthetics effect of porcelain fused-to-crown .

  2. 前牙金属烤瓷全冠的美学修复

    Aesthetics in porcelain-fused to-m etal ( pfm ) crown of anterior teeth

  3. 上颌前牙种植美学修复的临床研究

    The Esthetic Results Clinic Evaluation of Implant-support Prosthetics in the Anterior Maxilla

  4. 外伤性手指软组织缺损的美学修复

    Aesthetic reconstruction of traumatic tissue loss of the fingers

  5. 缺失前牙烤瓷桥的美学修复

    Esthetics in porcelain bridge Of lost anterior teeth

  6. 前牙种植的软组织美学修复

    Soft Tissue Aesthetic Prosthesis for Anterior Teeth Implant

  7. 前牙美学修复智能选色设计系统的初步研究

    Intelligentized design of anterior prosthesis for color selection

  8. 传统铸造的金属桩核可能透过全瓷冠以及菲薄的龈组织而影响全瓷修复体的美学修复效果;

    Conventional cast metal post-and-core may shine through all-ceramic crowns and thin gingival tissue .

  9. 城市景观中的形色设计探讨&以苏州生态市景观规划建设为例前牙美学修复智能选色设计系统的初步研究

    A Discussion on Form and Color Design in Urban Landscape & A Case Study of Suzhou Ecological Urban Landscape Planning and Construction

  10. 方法:应用牙周成形手术,重建牙和牙周组织的正常关系,并进行术前、术后美学修复效果的对比。

    Methods : The normal relationship of the anterior teeth and their periodontium was re-established by means of periodontal-plasty and the beauty before and after the operation was compared .

  11. 上颌前牙高强纤维束带牙周夹板固定后应力的三维有限元研究牙周塞治剂应用于单颗前牙种植术后软组织美学修复的临床研究

    Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis on the Maxillary Anterior Dentition Fixed with Periodontal Splint Made of High Strength Fiber Bundle The Esthetic Results Clinic Evaluation of Periodontal Pack in Implant-support Prosthetics

  12. 目的:探讨应用颞浅动脉供血的反流轴型耳后岛状皮瓣转移修复鼻尖缺损的手术方法,以提高鼻缺损畸形的美学修复效果。

    Objective To investigate the method of repairing defects of nasal tip with a reversal flow axial postauricular island flaps supplied by superficial temporal artery to enhance the effect of aesthetics therapy .

  13. 口腔种植技术在功能和美学修复效果方面相对于其它传统义齿修复方法而言具有极大的优点,已成为牙齿、牙列缺失重要的常规修复方法。

    Oral implant technology , which has a great advantage over other traditional partial denture methods in the aspects of function and aesthetic effect , has become one of the most important restoration methods for the missing or deficient teeth .

  14. 结论应用牙龈瓷能较好地模拟退缩的基牙牙龈组织和拔牙后牙槽骨严重吸收所致牙龈组织缺损,获得较为满意的美学修复效果。

    Conclusion Gingival porcelain can be applied as a good substitute for the atrophic gingival tissue of the abutment and the defective gingival tissue which is the result of the severe atrophy of the alveolar bones after the tooth extraction , and with a satisfactory aesthetic repair effect .

  15. 象牙科其他许多范畴一样,再过去十多年间,美学间接修复资料有了很大的提高。

    Like many areas of dentistry , aesthetic indirect restorative materials have improved significantly in the last decade .

  16. 单侧唇裂鼻畸形的美学缺陷与修复

    Aes the tic defects of unilateral cleft lip nose and its repair

  17. 金属烤瓷冠是临床最常见的修复方法,烤瓷冠的牙龈健康状况及其美学效果是判断修复体是否成功的关键。

    The mental-porcelain crowns are the most familiar method in clinical restoration and the key-point of successful restoration is its aesthetics effects of the gingival health to the mental-porcelain .