
  • 网络US Special Forces;U.S. Special Forces;United States Special Forces
  1. 一走进班里,法国企业家、美国特种部队(USSpecialForces)指挥官、火箭科学家、油轮船长、体育明星以及我撞见的每一个人,都让我充满了敬畏之情。

    Entering the class , I was awed by the French entrepreneur , the US Special Forces commander , the rocket scientist , the oil tanker skipper , the super athlete and just about everyone else that I bumped into .

  2. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,嫌疑人是前美国特种部队驻瓦尔达克省的翻译人员,该省位于喀布尔附近。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports that the suspect is a former interpreter for US Special Forces in Wardak province near Kabul .

  3. 这支部队参照英国SAS部队和美国特种部队建立而成,其规模是最高机密。

    This force was modelled on the British SAS and US special-forces and its size remains highly classified .

  4. 冷战初期,SSG部队与美国特种部队一道训练,并肩作战。

    During the early Cold War , SSG forces trained and served alongside US special-forces .

  5. 由于面临美国特种部队发动突袭将本拉登击毙的尖锐问题,巴基斯坦三军情报局局长艾哈迈德•舒亚•帕夏(AhmedShujaPasha)有意辞职。

    Pakistan 's intelligence chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha has offered to resign after facing tough questioning about the US Special Forces raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden .

  6. 美国特种部队结束第一阶段东南亚反恐任务

    US special force ends the first stage anti-terrorist task in South-east Asia

  7. 我是美国特种部队队员,赛拉斯·马丁

    I 'm U.S. Special Forces , Silas Martin .

  8. 美国特种部队中的士兵。

    A soldier who is a member of the United States Army Special Forces .

  9. 5月,本拉登被美国特种部队击毙。

    In May , bin Laden , was killed by a US special forces .

  10. 但他迟早会做出这样的决定。而哈格尔提议增加美国特种部队和网络防务开支则是正确的。

    Mr Hagel rightly proposed more spending on US special operations forces and on cyber defence .

  11. 他被美国特种部队击毙给这座城市带来了恐慌和恐怖主义。

    His death at the hands of US special forces has brought fear and terrorism to the city .

  12. 上周一早上,美国特种部队在对拉登住所的一次袭击中,击毙了拉登。

    American special-forces killed Osama bin Laden early Monday during a raid on a house where he had been living .

  13. 几个月前这些指控被揭露,总统阿尔扎伊要求美国特种部队退出瓦尔达克省的部分地区。

    When these allegations surfaced several months ago , President Karzai ordered US Special Forces out of part of Wardak .

  14. 自那以后,该部队大部分成员均从诸如绿色贝雷帽及游骑兵等美国特种部队的现役士兵中进行挑选。

    Since then it has been composed largely of soldiers who have served in US special-forces like the Green Berets or Rangers .

  15. 曾经在伊拉克被俘,后又被美国特种部队成功营救的美国女兵杰西卡·林奇就要结婚了。

    US soldier Jessica Lynch , who was rescued by US special forces after being captured in Iraq , is to marry .

  16. 据一份报道称,美国特种部队发动突袭时,关押她的人向囚室内扔了一颗手榴弹。

    According to one report , her captors threw a grenade into the room where she was kept when American special forces attacked .

  17. 据国家新闻社报道,他为在美国特种部队服役期间在朝鲜战争中所犯的罪行道歉后被释放。

    According to a state news agency he was released after apologizing for crimes committed as a member of U.S. special forces during the Korean War .

  18. 美国特种部队乘坐飞机空降至叙利亚,同武装分子进行了激战,但是并没有找到弗利和其他被监禁的人员。

    US Special Forces were dropped by aircraft inside Syria , but despite a firefight with militants , Foley and the other captives were not located .

  19. 他被从一辆卡车上带下,走到与塔利班成员握手的美国特种部队身旁,最后搭乘黑鹰直升机离开。

    He 's taken from a truck , walked over to U.S. Special Forces who were seeing shaking hands with Taliban members , and put aboard a Black Hawk helicopter .

  20. 今年初夏,美国特种部队在叙利亚执行了一项秘密任务,旨在救出一些被武装分子监禁的美国人,其中就包括摄影记者詹姆斯·弗利。

    US Special Forces launched a secret mission in Syria earlier this summer , aiming to rescue a number of Americans being held captives by militants , including photo journalist James Foley .

  21. 美国特种部队擒获阿布·阿拉斯的大约同一时间,美国突击队员尝试但未能抓获索马里青年党的最高指挥官阿布德卡尔·默罕默德·阿布德卡尔—也称为伊卡利马。

    At about the same time that U.S. special forces seized Abu Anas , American commandos tried but failed to capture Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir-also known as Ikrima-a top commander of al-Shabab in Somalia .

  22. 你是特别代理攻击,手持调查失踪时对一项卧底行动的美国特种部队单位的消失发送一个实验外骨骼套衣服。

    You are Special Agent Strike , armed with an experimental exoskeleton suit , sent to investigate the disappearance of a US Special Forces unit that went missing while on a covert operation .

  23. 85岁的纽曼曾在美国特种部队服役多年,帮助朝鲜游击队秘密组织在敌人后方作战。

    The 85-year-old Newman spent his war years in one of the army 's special forces units helping a clandestine group of North Korean partisans who were fighting and spying behind enemy lines .

  24. 像理查德-布兰森、美国特种部队指挥官威廉-麦克纳文这样的大人物都还费心回信给小朋友,你为何不能花几分钟鼓励他人呢?

    If big shots like Richard Branson and Adm. William McRaven , commander in the U.S. special forces , can take the time to answer letters from kids , you can spend a few minutes encouraging people . 5 .

  25. 这些人隶属于美国特种作战部队。

    The men were U.S. Special Operations Forces .

  26. 三角洲部队的全称是美国陆军特种部队第一作战分遣队。

    The full name of this group is the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta .

  27. 三角洲军团和海豹突击队都是美国特种作战部队的分支,并且有时也共同合作(当然这也是非官方的说法)。

    Both the Navy SEALs and Delta Force are SMUs ( Special Mission Units ) under U.S. Special Operation Forces and sometimes work together ( unofficially , of course ) .

  28. 他在逆境中锻炼,他与美国杰出的特种部队同一边,为美国、为美国人民服务,并且捍卫他们的生命!

    Forged by adversity , he stands alongside America 's finest special operations forces to serve his country , the American people , and protect their way of life .

  29. 美国一支特种部队小组在突袭行动中将奥萨马·本·拉登击毙,从而结束了对这位9·11策划者长达10年的搜寻。

    The killing of Osama bin Laden in a daring operation conducted by a small team of US special forces brought the arduous , decade-long search for the9 / 11 mastermind to a close .

  30. 普京在纪录片中表示,他曾经告诉美国总统,美军特种部队在支持北高加索地区的武装分子,而美国总统向他保证,他会收拾他们。

    In the documentary , Mr Putin said he had told the US president that US special services were supporting militants in the North Caucasus , and the president assured him he would kick their ass.