
  • 网络suppressing fire;suppressive fire;Suppress
  1. 对敌人军官所在区域进行火力压制。

    Iay down suppressing fire on the enemy officer area .

  2. 我来火力压制

    Ok , I 'm gonna lay suppressing fire .

  3. 用幂指数法评估压制火炮的火力压制能力

    Firepower Neutralization Capability Evaluation of Neutralization Gun System by Power Index Method

  4. 火力压制的持续时间和能量消耗减半。

    Suppressive fire duration and energy cost reduced by half .

  5. 我们都被敌人的火力压制住了。

    We were all pinned down by enemy fire .

  6. 假如时间不紧迫,也可以选择围攻或火力压制。

    If time is not pressing , sieges or neutralization will be likely options of choice .

  7. 该记者表示,反对派被政府军火力压制,但在街道上进行了有效的游击战。

    He says the rebels are outgunned by the army , but they are fighting an effective guerrilla war in the streets .

  8. 舰载火箭炮对岸上目标实施火力压制时,火力分配方式直接影响到作战任务的完成。

    During shipborne rocket firing on shore as oppressive weapon , the method of firing distribution affects the result of combat mission directly .

  9. 大口径牵引火炮是传统的主要火力压制兵器,目前仍是我国炮兵的主要装备。

    Heavy caliber towed gun is the main traditional fire neutralizing weapon , which is still the main arms of our artillery by now .

  10. 舰载火箭子母弹对岸上目标实施火力压制射击时,火力分配方式直接影响毁伤效果和火力支援任务的完成。

    During shipborne shrapnel firing on shore as oppressive weapon , the method of firing distribution affected the result of destroying and firing support directly .

  11. 通过计算,得出了不同距离情况下引导炮兵火力压制对通信测向精度的需求;进而对我军通信测向能力提出建设性意见。

    And it discusses the requirement of direction finding in different distance via the calculation , presents some proposals about direction finding of our army .

  12. 利用幂指数法导出的压制火炮系统火力压制能力指数计算模型,便于对不同类火炮系统的火力压制能力进行对比分析;计算某一战斗单位的火力压制能力总指数;

    Using calculation model of firepower neutralization capability index of gun system derived from power index method , it is easy to carry out comparison and analysis of firepower neutralization capability of all kinds of gun system , calculation of firepower neutralization capability overall index of a combat unit .

  13. 炮火是长程火力支援工具,是地面大面积火力压制的有务武器。

    Artillery is long-range fire support that can be a massive force-multiplier on the ground .