
huǒ lā lā
  • burning;searing;scorching
火辣辣 [huǒ là là]
  • (1) [burning]∶形容激动的情绪(如兴奋、焦急、暴躁、害羞等)

  • 脸上觉得火辣辣的

  • (2) [scorching]∶酷热

  • 火辣辣的太阳

  • (3) [searing]∶形容因被火烧或鞭打等而产生疼痛感觉

  • 疼得火辣辣的

火辣辣[huǒ lā lā]
  1. 她感到咽喉火辣辣的疼。

    She felt a burning sensation in her throat .

  2. 牙齿美白癖的症状包括牙龈火辣辣地痛、牙齿感染以及坚信无论牙齿多么白都可以再白一点。

    Symptoms include burning gums , tooth infection and the conviction that , no matter how much a tooth has been whitened , it could be paler still .

  3. 空气中弥漫的化学物质熏得我们的眼睛火辣辣地痛。

    Our eyes were burning from the chemicals in the air .

  4. 在火辣辣的太阳下干这活儿,让人汗流浃背。

    It was sweaty work , under the hot sun .

  5. 火辣辣的太阳和寒风可使你的皮肤很快变干燥。

    Hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin .

  6. 灼热的沙地使他们的脚掌感到火辣辣的。

    The hot sand burned the soles of their feet .

  7. 火辣辣的太阳烤得我们虚软无力。

    The hot sun sapped our energy .

  8. 她醒来感到脚上火辣辣地痛。

    She woke to feel a searing pain in her feet .

  9. 太阳高挂在空中,火辣辣地照在我们身上。

    The sun was high in the sky , blazing down on us

  10. 火辣辣的一巴掌打在脸上,她惊呆了。

    A stinging slap across the face jolted her

  11. 正午的阳光火辣辣的。

    The noon sun was fierce

  12. 火辣辣的太阳烤得那些马拉松选手虚软无力。

    The hot sun sapped the energy of the marathon runners .

  13. 她感到脸上火辣辣地红了起来。

    She felt colour flame up in her cheeks .

  14. 他在外面让中午火辣辣的太阳炙烤着

    He 's grilling out there in the midday sun .

  15. 我的双腿蹦得累极了,脸也冻得火辣辣的。

    My legs were tired with jumping and my face burned .

  16. 她全身火辣辣地疼。

    She thought to herself and felt hot pain shooting through her .

  17. 我用火辣辣的手热烈地抓住它。

    How ardent I seized it , with hands that were glowing .

  18. 太阳火辣辣的,路上连个遮荫的地方都没有。

    There was no shelter anywhere from the hot sunshine .

  19. 太阳晒得我的脸火辣辣的。

    The sun really did a number on my face !

  20. 她坐在火辣辣骄阳下的石头上

    She is sitting on the rock in the torrid sun

  21. 火辣辣的太阳照在他的脖子和肩膀上。

    The sun beat down on his neck and on his shoulders .

  22. 火辣辣的太阳下,她们浑身是汗。

    They 're sweating all over under the scorching sun .

  23. 他眼里噙着泪水,火辣辣的。

    He could feel the hot prick of tears in his eyes .

  24. 他刚才喝下的威士忌酒使他感到胸中火辣辣的。

    The whiskey he had drunk burned in his chest .

  25. 他能够感觉到烈日晒在背上火辣辣的。

    He could feel the heat of the sun on his hack .

  26. “另一回事?为什么?”苔丝未免有点火辣辣地问。

    " Aother matter-why ?" asked tess , rather warmly .

  27. 夏日的太阳总是火辣辣的,晒得人发慌。

    The summer sun shines ruthlessly , which makes one feel sick .

  28. 冬天来鸿源斋吃火锅,让您体验火辣辣的热情!

    Hongyuan winter to eat vegetarian dishes , you can Huola La enthusiasm !

  29. 这样她便又喝了一大口,那烈性液体立即从喉管里火辣辣地流下去了。

    She swallowed deeply and the hot liquid burned suddenly in her throat .

  30. 她的手臂和两腿火辣辣地痛。

    There was a burning pain in her arms and in her feet .