
  • 网络fire illness
  1. 郁火的病机为邪气郁阻阳气使阳气有余的一种病理状态,属气分病变。

    The pathogenesis of stagnated fire is a kind of pathologic condition that yang qi is stagnated by evil qi and surplus .

  2. 李东垣脾胃论的元气阴火学说为此病患的诊疗用药思路提供重要的指导,并取得满意的临床疗效。

    Yuan-Qi-Yin-Fire hypothesis oriented from Li Dons-Yuan 's Spleen-Stomach Theory served as an important guide for above clinical diagnosis , prescription , and treatment , and gained satisfactory effect .

  3. 本课题通过对十味降压汤进行临床研究,探讨本方治疗阴虚火旺型高血压病的作用机理以及应用前景。

    The purpose of this clinical study is to explore the pharmacological action and its perspective of shi wei jiang ya tang to lower blood pressure .

  4. 他不仅以易理阐释医学的基本道理,而且把易学“燥万物者莫燠乎火”和“润万物者莫润乎水”之理作为其论火热病病机和治疗的基础。

    Not only had he interpreted basic principles of TCM by the theories of the Change , but also took use of the theory of concerning fire and water as his fire-heat theory and healing foundations .