
  • 网络Fire control computer
  1. 本文介绍了基于通用计算机平台的LLP12火控计算机系统雷达接口模拟检测器的硬件和软件设计。

    In this paper , a design project of hardware and software of LLP12 fire control computer system Radar Interface Tester & Simulator based on general computer platform is introduced .

  2. 某型飞机火控计算机等可靠性鉴定试验及分析

    Reliability Evaluation Experiment and Analysis of an Aircraft Fire Control Computer

  3. 火控计算机CPU板测试与故障诊断

    The CPU Board 's Test and Fault Diagnosis of Fire Control Computer

  4. 基于USB总线的高炮火控计算机测试系统设计

    Design Testing System for Fire Control System of Antiaircraft Artillery with USB

  5. 本文基于实际工程背景,通过对数字随动系统的设计,讨论了CAN总线及四串口通信在PC104火控计算机上的应用,根据项目要求讨论了DSP控制模块的应用。

    This paper analyzes a digital servo system in which the CAN and 4-serial-port communication module is applied . According to the requirements of engineering , the paper analyzes the application of DSP control module .

  6. 火控计算机系统可靠性的模糊故障树分析

    Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis of Fire Control Computer System 's Reliability

  7. 某火控计算机故障检测分析仪设计

    Design of the Trouble Shooting System for Fire Control Computer

  8. 196单片机在火控计算机中的应用

    Application of 196 Single-chip Microcomputer to the Fire Control Computer

  9. 机载火控计算机智能测试系统的设计

    Design of the Intelligent Test System for the synthetic Airborne Fire Control Computers

  10. 数字随动系统与火控计算机接口特性分析及修正

    Characteristic Analysis and Correction of Digital Servo System and Fire Control Computer Interface

  11. 信号采集和发送包括和火控计算机之间的信息交换,以及实际架位的获取;

    Signal acquisition and transmission exchanges information with control computer , and receives true position information .

  12. 火控计算机的软件支持

    Software Support for Fire Control Computer

  13. 在火控计算机系统可靠性研究中提出模糊故障树分析方法。

    The fuzzy fault tree analysis method is bring forward for studying fire control computer system 's reliability .

  14. 介绍了电磁兼容性的基本概念以及火控计算机系统中采用的电磁兼容性设计方法。

    The article introduces the basic concept of electromagnetic compatibility and the design of electromagnetic compatibility used in the fire control computer .

  15. 建立了可用于现代火控计算机的火控弹道权函数法模型。

    Presents a weighted function model for the flight traJectory of projectiles , oriented for applications with computers in modern fire control systems .

  16. 论文最终完成了对超近程防护系统前期的实弹拦截试验,试验结果表明了火控计算机各模块功能正常,系统运行状态良好,达到了预期的设计目的。

    The results indicate each module of fire control computer functions well and that system runs in good condition , achieving the expected design purposes .

  17. 火控计算机在超近程防护系统中起着枢纽的作用,连接着雷达子系统、炮控子系统、引信子系统以及火力子系统,因此火控计算机的性能直接影响到超近程防护系统的防护效果。

    Fire control computer plays a pivotal role in ultra-short-range defense system , and it is connected to radar subsystem , gun control subsystem , fuse subsystem and fire subsystem .

  18. 伺服控制卡接收火控计算机发出的目标位置指令,采样发射架实际位置信息,通过控制算法得出控制量,驱动电机运转,实现发射架位置的跟踪运动。

    Servo card receives target position information , samples the launcher position , calculates control value , sends it to motor driver , and then makes the launcher work under control .

  19. 本设备通过模拟火控计算机系统与雷达之间的数据传递与处理,使火控计算机系统可以在脱离雷达的情况下正常工作。

    Under the conditions of disconnecting radar , this unit can simulate the data transmitting & processing between Fire Control Computer and the radar , and verifies the correctness of the interface .

  20. 模拟发控台完成导弹27V电平信号与火控模拟计算机TTL电平信号间的隔离与转换。

    The fire control simulation console converted 27V electrical signal into TTL electrical signal .

  21. 火控模拟计算机产生控制命令、实现1553B总线初始化、发送导航数据、接收导弹返回状态和信号的采集与处理等。

    The fire control simulation computer generated command , initialized 1553B bus , transmitted INS data and received the statues of missile , etc.

  22. 航空电子集成电路、作战飞行软件、机载火控任务计算机和火控雷达、虚拟现实技术等高新技术在航空火控系统中有着广泛应用,并深刻地影响着航空火控系统的发展。

    New technologies , such as integrated circuit for airborne use , OFF , airborne fire control mission computer , virtual reality have been widely used in airborne fire control system , and will profoundly influence the development of airborne fire control system .

  23. 利用ActiveX控件实现对计算机串口的通信管理机载火控系统通信管理计算机研究

    Using ActiveX to manage the communication of computer serial ports Research on Implementation of Communication Control CPU of Airborne Fire Control System

  24. 基于二维速度测量的简易火控装置由火控计算机、轴角编码器、倾斜角传感器、激光测距机、键盘、目标锁定按钮、显示屏等组成。

    Simple fire control device based on measurement of 2-D velocity consists of fire control computer , axial angle coder , obliquity sensor , laser rangefinder , keyboard , target locking button and display screen .

  25. 基于1553B总线的载机火控模拟系统,由火控模拟计算机、模拟发控台和电源组成。

    A fire control simulation system for flight simulator based on MIL-D-1553B bus consists of a fire control simulation computer , a fire control simulation console and power supply .

  26. SH1装备一套计算机火控系统,用一个炮口速度传感器直接反馈数据到火控计算机。

    The SH1 is equipped with a computerised fire-control system , with a muzzle velocity sensor which feed the data directly to the fire-control computer .