
huǒ yào yīn móu
  • gunpowder plot
  1. 在随后几个月的时间里,与“火药阴谋”有牵连的另外一些人也相继落网,最终也被处决。

    Over a period of months other people in the " gunpowder plot " were discovered and killed too .

  2. 1606年的今天,火药阴谋:盖伊•福克斯企图暗算英格兰国王议会和詹姆士一世被处死。

    1606 – Gunpowder Plot : Guy Fawkes is executed for his plotting against Parliament and James I of England .

  3. 莎士比亚说火药阴谋后不久,麦克白,其目的是杀死国王,以显示排序的后果等犯罪的可能。

    Shakespeare wrote Macbeth shortly after the gunpowder plot , which was intended to kill the King , to show the sort of consequences such a crime might have .