
  1. 研究和对比表明,火山成因块状硫化物矿床黄铁矿的Co、Se含量和Co/Ni比值有随矿床年龄变年轻而降低之趋势。

    Investigation and comparison indicate that Co and Se contents and Co / Ni ratios of pyrite in volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits tend to decrease with the decrease of their ages .

  2. 研究了北祁连山造山带火山成因块状硫化物矿床(VMS)类型、金属来源与容矿围岩、火山岩类型及其构造环境的关系。

    The relationships between VMS types , source of metal , host rock , volcanic rock types and tectonic setting have been studied in this paper .

  3. 本文通过对8个澳大利亚TEM标准锆石和近百枚云南梅树村剖面前寒武系&寒武系界线M5层斑脱岩火山成因锆石进行了不同入射方位的激光拉曼光谱分析和对比研究。

    This paper studies the laser Raman spectrum of zircons at different scatter angles , including 8 standard TEM zircons in Australia and about 100 volcanic zircons from the M5 bentonites of Precambrian & Cambrian boundary at the Meishucun section in Yunnan , China .

  4. PTB之下14cm处火山成因的粘土层25层的年代,现在定为(252·4±0·3)Ma(Mundil等,2004)。

    ( 2004 ) the age of volcanogenic clay bed 25 , 14 cm below the PTB , is now set at ( 252.4 ± 0.3 ) Ma .

  5. 冲绳海槽火山成因斜长石的分布及成分特征

    Distribution and compositional characteristic of volcanic plagioclase in the Okinawa Trough

  6. 古代与现代火山成因块状硫化物矿床研究进展

    The developments of study on ancient and modern volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit

  7. 北祁连山火山成因块状硫化物矿床的金属来源研究

    Study for metal source of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in North MTS

  8. 大青山东段火山成因非金属矿床地质特征及控矿因素探讨

    Ore control factors of the Mesozoic volcanogenic nonmetallic deposits

  9. 锥形海山是马里亚纳弧前区非火山成因的海山。

    The Conical Seamount is a non - volcanic one in the Mariana Fore Arc .

  10. 北祁连白银矿田火山成因块状硫化物矿床成矿金属来源讨论

    A discussion on the metal source of Baiyin volcanic hosted massive deposit from the North Qilian Mountains

  11. 东秦岭二郎坪群蛇绿岩中广泛发育火山成因块状硫化物矿床。

    Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits occur widely in the ophiolite of the Erlangping Group of the Eastern Qinling Mountains .

  12. 青海祁连两类火山成因硫化物矿化蚀变带地球化学特征及找矿标志

    Geochemical characteristics and prospecting indicators in two types of volcanogenic sulfide mineralization alteration zones in Qilian county , Qinghai Province

  13. 酸性火山成因的粘土岩在自然伽玛测井曲线上的显示及其在事件地层学上的应用

    The manifestation of clay rock of acidic volcanic origin on natural gamma-ray logging curve and its application to event stratigraphy

  14. 同时还介绍了阿舍勒火山成因块状硫化物铜-锌矿床的地质、物、化探找矿模型,可供同类矿床成矿预测参考。

    The geological and geophysical prospecting models were also introduced for reference to massive sulphide Cu-Zn deposits of volcanic origin in Ashele .

  15. 共生有阿尔戈马型铁矿与火山成因金矿。块状硫化物矿床遭受变质、变形、伟晶岩的改造,并在主褶皱幕期迭生与基性岩有关的热液多金属矿化。

    MSD is remaked by metamorphism , deformation and pegmatization , and telescoped the hydrothermal polymetallic mineralization concerned with basic rocks in the period of principal folding phase .

  16. 本文通过对矿床的成矿地质条件、控矿因素和物质组份的分析研究,认为该矿为火山成因块状黄铁矿型铜矿。

    Based on the analyses of the ore-forming conditions , ore-controlling factors and compositions , the deposit is regarded as a massive pyrite-type copper deposit of volcanic origin .

  17. 但研究目标多集中在粘土层的火山成因和火山作用的岩石学性质上,研究方法也多以传统的矿物种类分析和全岩地球化学研究为主。

    However , their aims mostly focus on volcanic origin of claystones and their petrological characteristics , and researching methods are mainly traditional mineral type analyses and whole-rock geochemistry .

  18. 例举三种产状的火山成因粘土岩论证用自然伽玛测井资料寻找和研究火山事件粘土岩层的必要和优越性。

    With three types of volcanogenic clay rocks as examples , the natural gamma logging data are proved to be essential for finding and studying clay strata formed by volcanic events .

  19. 作者对采样区表层沉积物中重矿物的含量,碎屑矿物的种类、特征及分布规律进行了研究,并讨论了海湾碎屑矿物组合分区和大量出现于沉积物中的火山成因碎屑矿物的主要特征和来源。

    The author studied the content of heavy minerals and the types , characteristics , and distribution of detrital minerals , discussed the assemblage zone of detrital minerals , and the main characteristics and source of volcanic minerals present extensively in the sediments .

  20. 燕山地区中生代火山作用成因及其对深部过程的制约

    Mesozoic Volcanism and Constraint on Deep Geological Process in Yanshan Area

  21. 东西准噶尔火山岩成因类型与油气勘探方向

    Genetic Types and Hydrocarbon Exploration Directions of Volcanic Rocks in Eastern and Western Junggar

  22. 中国北东部及邻区中生代火山岩成因分析

    Analysis on the genesis of Mesozoic volcanic formations in Northeast China and adjacent area

  23. 地壳深俯冲与富钾火山岩成因

    Deep subduction of crust materials and its implication to the genesis of potash-rich volcanic rocks

  24. 塔里木盆地南北缘新生代火山岩成因及其地质意义

    Cenozoic magmatism in the South and North rims of Tarim basin : petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications

  25. 溧水盆地晚中生代基性火山岩成因与深部动力学过程探讨

    Petrogenesis and geodynamic implications of Late Mesozoic mafic volcanic rocks from the Lishui Basin of the Lower Yangtze region

  26. 黔西晚二叠世煤地球化学性质变异及特殊组构的火山灰成因

    Variation of coal geochemistry and special textures of Late Permian coals in the western Guizhou Province and their volcanic origin

  27. 福建沙县地区早白垩世火山岩成因及构造环境分析

    Analysis of the Genesis and the Tectonic Setting of the Lower Cretaceous Volcanic Rocks from Shaxian Area , Fujian Province

  28. 浙江省中生代侵入岩和火山岩成因关系苏南中生代侵入岩的地球化学特征

    Genetic relations between Mesozoic intrusive and volcanic rocks in Zhejiang geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic intrusive rock in South Jiangsu Province

  29. 从构造应力场特征探讨中国东部中生代火山岩成因

    Genesis of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in eastern China as discussed in the light of the characteristics of the structural stress field

  30. 华南深部地质及围绕华南的构造边界条件对花岗岩-火山岩成因的制约是目前的研究薄弱环节。

    The weakness of previous research on the granites and volcanics in SE China includes their genetic constraints affected by deeper geology and tectonic geodynamics around .