
  1. 我今天不大顺心,我不应该把火发到你头上。

    It 's been a long day and I took my aggravation out on you .

  2. 火发着劈啪声灭了。

    The fire sputtered and died .

  3. 火发上风,无攻下风。昼风久,夜风止。

    When you start a fire , be to windward of it . Do not attack from the leeward . A wind that rises in the daytime lasts long , But a night Breeze soon falls .

  4. 真正爱你的男人,当你发脾气时,只会不做声地听你把火发完,然后慢慢地说,你明天还要上班啊!

    You really love the Man , when you throw a tantrum when you will not say a word to listen to hair after fire , then slowly said , you have to go to work tomorrow ah !

  5. 清代尤其是晚清,火灾发生非常频繁,其既有传统引火因素,又增添了新的火发因素,这使得火灾的应对&消防管理变得更为困难与复杂。

    In the Qing , especially late Qing Dynasty , it was very frequent that the fire took place , which turned out to be connected with traditional ignition factors as well as added new fire - sending factors .

  6. 白热的火还发得出更大光辉。

    My most full flame should afterwards burn clearer .

  7. 收短信有火不发,三八节快乐!

    Receive SMS fire , 38 section happiness !

  8. 我知道你不高兴,你刚刚和女友吵架了,但也不应该把火都发在我身上呀?

    I know you were unhappy because you just quarreled with your girlfriend , but why did you unleash all of your fury on me ?

  9. 你现在可别去惹他,他正一肚子邪火没地方发呢。

    Don 't provoke him now , he is angry now .

  10. 这一次警察火了/发脾气了。

    This time , the policeman lost his temper .