
huǒ qì
  • Fire gas;temper;anger;internal heat;internal heat(as a cause of disease)
火气 [huǒ qì]
  • (1) [internal heat(as a cause of disease)]∶中医指引起红、热、肿、痛等阳亢表现的病邪

  • (2) [anger]∶遇事易动怒

  • (3) [temper]∶脾气

  • 人不大,火气不小

火气[huǒ qì]
  1. 气温迅速回升,昼夜温差大。适度保暖。神经痛高发。多食蔬菜,调理肠胃,降火气。

    Temperature rises rapidly and varies greatly , be sure to keep warm , prevent neuralgia , more vegetable to release the internal heat

  2. 窗子是阳光进来的信道,让房间曝晒在阳光下,吸足太阳的火气,就能拥有战斗能量。

    The window is the channel that sunshine comes in , let room insolate be below sunshine , absorb the internal heat of sufficient sun , can have battle energy .

  3. 随着辩论的继续,火气就上来了。

    As the debate went on , tempers began to fray .

  4. 你一饿的时候火气就大。

    You always get tetchy when you 're hungry

  5. 几分钟之内,火气就变小了。

    Within a few minutes tempers had cooled

  6. 鲍勃火气越来越大。

    Bob became more and more furious

  7. 随着火气越来越大,他公开对出售国有资产的一些激进观点表示强烈反对。

    As tempers rose , he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property

  8. 他火气足,不怕冷。

    He is very energetic and not afraid of the cold .

  9. 压不住心头的火气

    Can hardly contain one 's anger ; cannot hold back one 's rage

  10. 她一点没有方才通话时的那种火气,有的只是冷冰冰的感觉。

    In her , there was none of the fire she had shown during their previous conversation , only an icy chill .

  11. 我叹了口气,放下工具箱埋头苦干起来,一不留神脑袋撞在了墙上,儿子觉得很好玩,但是我的火气越来越大。

    I sighed and set my tool box down , and banged my head in the process . This entertained my son but only irritated me further .

  12. 凭借火龙的火气攻击和骑士的能言善辩,他们建立了KD

    With the dragon 's fire-breathing ability and the knight 's salesmanship , they create the K D Bar-B-Q

  13. DD的火气也消了一点,因为他想到了自己的家乡&龙岛,还有他的家人,DD是多么爱他们啊!

    DD 's irritation calmed a bit as he started thinking about his home – Dragon Island , and he family and how he loved them .

  14. 其中DCS系统负责全厂的工艺流程监控,SIS系统完成安全保护和紧急停车,FGS可进行火气监测、报警及控制。

    DCS system is used for the process monitoring , the SIS is used for safety protection and emergency shutdown system , and FGS perform the monitoring , alarm and control of Fire and gas detection .

  15. 科威特西部油田扩建工程GC28集油站的自动控制系统是一个集成的DCS,包括过程控制系统(PCS)、紧急停车系统(ESD)、火气系统(F&G)3个子系统。

    The control system of Gathering Center 28 in west Kuwait facilities expansion project is an integral DCS system that composed of three subsystems : a process control system ( PCS ), an emergency shutdown system ( ESD ) and a fire and gas system ( F & G ) .

  16. 老板这次的火气过头了。

    The boss had a puff and a huff too many .

  17. 钠火气溶胶分析方法研究及应用

    Research and application of sampling and analysis method of sodium aerosol

  18. 上个周其实非常忙,火气当然也就特别大。

    I was very busy last week and went nuts everyday .

  19. 我火气很大,我是罪有应得。

    I 'm very angry . I plead guilty to that !

  20. 拉乌家那姑娘怎么那么大火气啊

    So why did the Ravoux girl get the hump ' !

  21. 火气系统在海洋石油工业中的应用研究

    The Application of F & G System in the Offshore Petroleum Industry

  22. 你对我火气很大?

    You got a bug up your ass about me ?

  23. 说不定博伊德已经把她的火气平息下来了。

    Maybe Boyd will have smoothed her down by now .

  24. 他好像火气挺大。

    Probably got a lot of hostility up in him .

  25. 当他知道了她那样做的原因时,他的火气就消了。

    His fury moderated when he learned why she had done it .

  26. 在英格兰我们通常没有这么炎热的火气。

    We don 't usually have such boiling hot weather in england .

  27. 他的火气来得突然,去得也快。

    His temper had subsided as suddenly as it had blown up .

  28. 叙述了钠火气溶胶的1种取样分析方法。

    Method of sampling analysis for sodium aerosol is researched .

  29. 渐渐地,火奴鲁鲁对刚愎的老船长的火气消了。

    Later , Honolulu softened toward the resolute old captain .

  30. 我想出一趟门也许会让我有时间消一消火气。

    I thought the trip might give me time to simmer down .