
  • 网络rocket launcher;Rocket-Launcher;rpg
  1. 如果你有自己的Acme火箭发射器,你可以创造和发射火箭,展示你的个性和创造力。

    If you have your own Acme Rocket Launcher , you can create and send up rockets that show off your personality and creativity .

  2. 你只需要你的Acme火箭发射器和一些简单的家用材料:一个500毫升的塑料可乐瓶、彩色记号笔、剪刀、胶水、海报板

    All you need is your Acme Rocket Launcher and a few simple household materials : a 500ml plastic cola bottle 、 colored markers 、 scissors 、 glue 、 poster board

  3. 让机器冒烟、触发警笛、USB火箭发射器,再把国民防卫队叫来。

    Triggers the smoke machine , the siren , the USB rocket launcher , and calls in the national guard .

  4. iPad在好友间传递,你们轮流发射各种奇葩武器,比如火箭发射器,简直有趣极了。

    Pass the iPad back and forth between friends as you take turns firing off ridiculous weapons , like the rocket launcher , which is super fun . MultiPong

  5. HF-16B火箭发射器发射管挤出成型研究

    The Extrusion Processing Research of the Launching Pipe of the HF-16B Aerial Rocket Equipment

  6. 便携式火箭发射器脉冲噪声测试和小波分析

    The Wavelet Analysis and Measurements of Strange Noise on the Light Rocket Launcher

  7. 很好,这些坏小子有火箭发射器。

    Great . so . uh * The bad guys have rocket launchers .

  8. 中型炮兵火箭发射器

    Medium Artillery Rocket Launcher artillery fire control operation equipment

  9. 中型炮兵火箭发射器加强型卫星运载火箭

    Medium Artillery Rocket Launcher Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle

  10. 复合材料火箭发射器的静态测试研究

    The Static Test Study of Composite Rocket Launcher

  11. 但就像一个火箭发射器一样。

    But it fires like a rocket launcher .

  12. 用火箭发射器推动的任何交通工具。

    Any vehicle propelled by a rocket_engine .

  13. 你的目标是使用你的火箭发射器,帮助老鼠在月球上获得每个级别。

    Your aim is to shoot your ball to remove all other balls in the room .

  14. 北约表示,这次袭击摧毁了叛军控制的城市米苏拉塔附近政府的一个火箭发射器。

    Nato says the attack destroyed a government rocket launcher near the rebel-held city of Misrata .

  15. 周六,62辆军用卡车开过了顿涅茨克,其中几辆车运载着火箭发射器。

    On Saturday , a column of 62 military trucks , including several carrying rocket launchers , drove through Donetsk .

  16. 一种由火箭发射器推动的导弹,这种导弹的飞行路径可以由无线电波或者国内设计者控制。

    A rocket-propelled missile whose path can be controlled during flight either by radio signals or by internal homing devices .

  17. 一个指挥中心,一个装甲车库,五个多联装火箭发射器。

    One command-and-control node , one armoured vehicle storage facility , and five multiple rocket launchers in the vicinity of Tripoli .

  18. 你能买到带功夫抓地力和火箭发射器的塑料甘道夫,就知道奇幻小说有多大突破了。

    When you can by a plastic Gandalf with kungfu grip and rocket launcher , you know fantasy has broken through .

  19. 俄罗斯报纸《Vedemosti》报道称俄罗斯正在出售价值10亿美元的坦克、大炮和火箭发射器给阿塞拜疆。

    Russia 's Vedemosti newspaper reported that Russia is selling $ 1 billion in tanks , artillery and rocket launchers to Azerbaijan .

  20. 查克叶格打破这一障碍,当他在一艘以他妻子命名的火箭发射器中飞行超过声速的时候。

    Chuck Yeager broke the barrier when he flew faster than the speed of sound in a rocket plane named after his wife .

  21. 粉丝们还能观看徒手搏斗演习、跳伞,以及坦克、火箭发射器和奇努克直升机的展示。

    The fans are also treated to hand-to-hand combat drills , parachute landings and displays of tanks , rocket launchers and Chinook helicopters .

  22. 我还当你是守信用的人白鹭先生我不能把火箭发射器卖给黑帮任何黑帮

    I thought you were a man of your word , Mr. Egret . Not if it involves selling a rocket launcher to the mob . Any mob .

  23. 建立战略导弹部队的主意是在2007年,国防学院提议成立一个新的兵种,更好管理进口导弹和多管火箭发射器。

    The idea for the strategic missile force came in2007 , when the National Defense College suggested forming a new directorate to better manage imported missiles and multiple rocket launchers .

  24. 此次袭击是由一伙组织严密的武装分子发动的,他们配备了步枪、手榴弹和火箭发射器等武器。袭击发生之时,斯里兰卡板球队正乘坐巴士,前往拉合尔市的卡扎菲板球体育场参加一场测试赛。

    The attack by a well-organised group of gunmen armed with rifles , grenades and rocket launchers came as the team travelled by bus to the city 's Gaddafi cricket stadium to resume a Test match .

  25. 武器设计去满足在反坦克导弹(ATGM)和单兵火箭助推发射器之间的火力射程间隙。

    The weapon was designed to fulfil the fire-range gap between the anti-tank guided missile ( ATGM ) and individual rocket-propelled launchers .

  26. 据说那群海盗持有火箭榴弹发射器,一些海盗逃到了快艇中。

    The pirates were said to be armed with guns and rocket-grenade launchers , and some escaped on speed boats .

  27. 他们带着火箭推进榴弹发射器、AK-47和防空机枪(加入义军)。

    They took rocket-propelled grenade launchers , AK-47s and anti-aircraft guns .

  28. 这是一位装备相对较好的反抗军战士,他配有护甲、头盔,以及一具在全世界冲突中都可以见到的RPG或火箭助推榴弹发射器。

    A relatively well-equipped rebel fighter since he looks to have some kind of body armour , helmet and that staple of conflicts the world over , an RPG or rocket-propelled grenade launcher .

  29. 本文分析了直升机发射火箭精度低的主要原因在于火箭本身随机缺陷(推力偏心等)和火箭/发射器系统随机扰动引起弹道散布大。

    This paper analysed the causes of inaccuracy fire rockets from helicopter . The principal causes are the random imperfections of rockets ( thrust misalignment * ) and the random vibration of the launcher / rockets sysrem .

  30. 火箭专家们在发射台及飞机棚中忙着准备两次月球火箭之发射试验。中型炮兵火箭发射器

    Missilemen were busy at launching pads and hangars , preparing for two new moon shoots . Medium Artillery Rocket Launcher