
  • 网络Eagle Catches Chicken
  1. 一名雅虎高管称:这是一场非常危险的老鹰抓小鸡游戏。

    Tall canal of a Yahoo says : This is a breakneck eagle stresses chickling game .

  2. “嘿!你是否在想我已经象老鹰抓小鸡似地把你一把拖到这里来了,对吗?”

    " Hah ! Thought I 'd dragged you down here on a wild-goose chase , didn 't you ?"

  3. 除了雪灾的原因,煤电短缺的根源在于片面放开的价格体系。这种体系已经让煤炭和电力两大产业在一场老鹰抓小鸡的游戏中相互叫板。

    On top of the snow storms , the root of the coal and power shortages is a partially deregulated pricing system that has pitted the two industries against each other in a game of chicken .