
nán běi wèn tí
  • North-South Issue;North-South Problem
  1. 南北问题不解决,就会对世界经济的发展带来障碍。

    If the North-South problem is not solved , it will hinder the development of the world economy .

  2. 到那时,国家总的力量就大了,可以为人类做更多的事情,在解决南北问题方面可以尽更多的力量。

    By then the overall strength of our country will have increased , which will enable us to make more contributions to mankind and to play a greater role in solving the world 's North-South problem .

  3. 人们都在讲南北问题很突出。

    People are saying that the North-South question is very serious .

  4. 和平与发展的核心问题是南北问题。

    The questions of peace and development are in essence the question of North and South .

  5. 一个是和平问题,一个是南北问题。

    One is the question of peace , the other the relationship between North and south .

  6. 当然,南北问题也应解决。

    Of course , the question of relations between the South and the North should also be resolved .

  7. 人们都在讲南北问题总是很突出,我看这个问题就是发展问题。

    People are saying that the North-South question is very serious . I think it is a question of development .

  8. 在北非问题上无事生非的,也就是这些人。国际上有两大问题非常突出,一个是和平问题,一个是南北问题。

    They are the same element which made such a fuss over North Africa . There are two outstanding issues in the world today . One is the question of peace , the other the relationship between North and South .

  9. 一个是南北协议问题。

    One is the North-South agreement .

  10. 与意大利一样,欧洲也存在南北分化问题,较为富裕的北部国家和经济落后的南部国家民众彼此间的不满情绪日益增长。

    Like Italy , Europe suffers from a north-south divide , with mutual resentments growing between the citizens of a more prosperous north and an economically struggling south .

  11. 生物多样性保护不仅是纯粹的生态问题,而是关系到全球可持续发展的前景问题,也关系到国家利益的分配问题,特别是南北关系问题。

    Not only is the biodiversity protection an ecological issue , but also is an issue connected with global sustainable development and the distribution of national interest , especially the North-South relationship .

  12. 他坚信在于处理北朝鲜核争端问题上他处于一个较有利的位置上,因为他在南北韩关系问题上了解更为透彻。

    He believes he is in a better position to handle the nuclear dispute , because he has a deeper understanding of the inter-Korean relationship .

  13. 中国存在东西发展不平衡问题,同样,江苏省也存在着南北差异的问题。苏北地区与苏南、苏中区域发展不平衡是制约江苏经济和社会发展的一个重要因素。

    Disparity of regional development , i.e. the developing gap between the North and the South and Middle area , is an important factor in restricting the economic and social development in Jiangsu province .

  14. 论南北国家在主权问题上的五大利益冲突

    On the Five Conflicts of Interests in Sovereignty Between the North and the South

  15. 韩国总统李明博周二在首尔的一次演讲中明确表示,关于南北朝关系的问题必须在解决天安问题之后才有协商的余地。

    In a speech on Tuesday in Seoul , South Korean President Lee Myung Bak made it clear that the Cheonan incident trumps everything else when it comes to inter-Korean relations .

  16. 江苏省要着重从土地管理、资源利用和环境监测等方面入手,克服江苏南北发展不均衡问题。

    Jiangsu province should focus on improving land management , industrial structure , resources utilization and environmental monitoring , and overcome the problem of uneven development between the north and the south in the province .

  17. 经济全球化和信息化使南北关系更加复杂,南北贫富差距拉大,南北问题仍是核心问题。

    Economic globalization and information explosion have further complicated South_North relationship , enlarging disparity between the rich North and the poor South .