
  1. 南朝文化、文学观与散文风格

    The Culture , Literary Sense and Prose Style in the Southern Dynasty

  2. 南朝文化名士张融思想与创作的时代气息

    Thought and creation of Zhang Rong

  3. 本文以北朝文化对南朝文化的接纳及反馈为研究对象,分为上下两篇。

    This dissertation focuses on the Northern Dynasties ' acceptance and retroaction of Southern Dynasties culture . It is divided in two parts .

  4. 运用文史互参的方法,将张融的思想行迹、文学创作与所生活的社会背景结合考察,旨在突出其在南朝文化史上应有的地位。

    Putting the studying object into the big culture background , this paper researches Zhang Rong 's thought and creation , and finds that Zhang Rong was of far reaching importance in Southern Dynasties .

  5. 在论述北朝文学时,以文化的冲突与融合为线索,从民族文化的冲突到地域文化的融合这一发展过程来解释北朝对南朝文化的认可。

    In the Northern Dynasty literature , the conflict and fusion of culture as a clue , from cultural conflict to cultural fusion process of this one development to explain to the north of cultural recognition .

  6. 宗王属吏在南朝学术文化发展史上是作出了贡献的,齐、梁尤为突出。

    Minor officials of a clan king made great contribution to academic culture in Nan Dynasty , especially in Qi ( 479-502 ) and Liang ( 502-557 ) .

  7. 艳情诗的创作实践,实际上反映了南朝特定历史文化生态中,士人的心态。

    The creative practice of Yan Qing poem actually reflected the philistines ' cultural mentality in particular history cultural ecology of Southern dynasties .

  8. 魏晋南朝诗歌意象的文化透视

    A Cultural Analysis of Poetry Images between the Wei Jin and the South Dynasties