
  • 网络Style Garden;region custom park
  1. 你觉得民族风情园怎么样?

    What do you think of park of traditions of nationalities ?

  2. 这里啊,是锡伯民俗风情园。

    It is in fact part of the Xibe folklore park .

  3. 雁荡山畲族民俗风情园

    Folk - custom Garden of She Nationality , Yandang Mountain

  4. 也从微观的风情园看到国家和人类的穷途末路的价值观。

    From the micro World Custom Park , it shows a country and the human being values in despair .

  5. 鄂西少数民族标志性建筑的移植与再生&恩施清江风情园规划设计简介

    Transplant and Regeneration of the National Symbol Architecture in West Part of Hubei Province & Design of Qingjiang Folk-custom Square in Enshi

  6. 这种特点也反映在当地建筑形态上,作者根据这一特点提出了西双版纳允景洪民族风情园中心馆的设计方案。

    At the end , the writer introduces a scheme of the centre house in Jinghong nationality 's amorous feelings garden according to the features .