
fēng yī
  • windbreak;wind coat;outer garment;windcheater
风衣 [fēng yī]
  • [outer garment] 遮风、挡雨、御寒的长衣

风衣[fēng yī]
  1. 束腰外衣,非针织或钩编她把风衣的腰带束紧。

    She belted up her wind coat .

  2. 他的风衣和你的一样。

    His wind-breaker is the same as yours .

  3. Crew和BananaRepublic这样的时尚专卖店,后者最近刚推出一个牛仔服装系列,包括牛仔风衣和牛仔衬衫裙等。

    Crew and Banana Republic , which recently introduced a denim collection that includes trench coats and shirt dresses .

  4. 在《紫雨》(PurpleRain)的高潮部分,王子(Prince)身穿定制的紫色风衣演唱《紫雨》这首歌;

    or Prince performing " Purple Rain " in his custom purple trench coat during the climax of the film of the same name ;

  5. 我在ToryBurch店里看风衣

    I 'll be at Tory Burch , looking at ponchos .

  6. ponchos:斗篷,雨衣,穗饰披巾我在ToryBurch店里看风衣。

    I 'll be at Tory Burch , looking at ponchos . -

  7. 于是我换上了这身行头,一双赫尔穆特•朗的高级皮鞋,一条起皱的Lee牌牛仔裤,一件迪奥的风衣。

    I put on a pair of nice Helmut Lang shoes , I put on a crisp pair of Lee jeans , I put on my Christian Dior storm coat .

  8. 无论怀孕与否,Hatch真丝连体衣、华达呢风衣和飘逸长裙的吸引力都是显而易见的。

    The appeal of Hatch 's silky jumpsuits , gaberdine trenches and flowing dresses is apparent , whether a customer is pregnant or not .

  9. 这位30岁的模特穿着黑色紧身皮裤和一双与之搭配的黑色短靴完美展现了大长腿,V领的灰色针织上衣和长及膝部的深蓝色羊毛风衣。

    The 30-year-old showed off her endless pins in black leather skinny pants and matching ankle boots , which she teamed with a v-neck grey knit top and a knee-length midnight blue woollen trench coat .

  10. 和桑德罗的超大款一样,菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)、爱马仕(Hermès)和Lemaire也推出了大同小异的、帅气的帐篷状结构风衣。

    Like the oversize version from Sandro , others by Salvatore Ferragamo , Herm è s and Lemaire offer similarly beautiful , tentlike constructions .

  11. 到全球广播公司新闻台(NBCNews)首席外交事务记者安德莉亚?米切尔(AndreaMitchell)身穿黑色豹纹风衣、在晚间新闻播报叙利亚危机时,整个时尚潮流算是尘埃落定:动物斑纹装登上了头条新闻。

    By the time Andrea Mitchell , NBC News " chief foreign affairs correspondent , wore a black leopard print trench while delivering her nightly report on the Syrian crisis the trend was official : animal spots are big news .

  12. 古驰(Gucci)肩饰、范思哲(Versace)军装上衣、裁剪风格符合法西斯审美的普拉达(Prada)修身双排扣战壕风衣:这些单品被放在一起讨论显得有点愚蠢,因为每件单品都很严肃。

    Gucci epaulets , a Versace battle blouse , a trim-fit Prada trench coat tailored to a fascist aesthetic : These references collectively seemed crass , given the gravity of the referent .

  13. 创意总监克里斯托弗贝利(christopherbailey)委托时尚博主斯考特舒曼(scottschuman)在网站上发布照片,主角是舒曼在全球各大城市街道上看到的身着巴宝莉风衣的潮人。

    Christopher Bailey , creative director , has commissioned Scott Schuman of influential fashion blog the sartorialist to launch the site with photos of people in trenchcoats he spots on the streets of major cities .

  14. 在近期的秀台上,普拉达(Prada)、马丁·马吉拉时装屋(MaisonMargiela)和朗万(Lanvin)推出了微调版风衣,用尼龙或皮料代替传统的华达呢,后面这种面料是托马斯·博柏利(ThomasBurberry)1879年发明的。

    At recent runway shows , Prada , Maison Margiela and Lanvin presented trimmer options , in nylon or leather instead of the traditional gabardine invented by Thomas Burberry in 1879 .

  15. 中国内地赴香港购买奢侈品的购物者减少,继续拖累着博柏利(Burberry)的销售。博柏利是一家英国零售商,以其风衣和羊绒围巾最为知名。

    A decline in the number of shoppers from mainland China travelling to Hong Kong to buy luxury goods has continued to drag on Burberry , the British retailer best known for its trenchcoats and cashmere scarves .

  16. 该公司高端系列Y-3的毛边皮风衣售价在3100美元左右,中袖斜纹呢外套约为2650美元。

    Y-3 , the company 's premium line , sells fur-trimmed leather trench coats for about $ 3,100 and tweed three-quarter-sleeved coats for around $ 2,650 .

  17. VALAFRANCA的柜台中,陈列了不少令我惊讶的原汁原味的欧美风格的风衣、外套和时装化军服。

    VALAFRANCA the counter , the display I was surprised a lot of authentic European-style coat , jackets and fashion of military uniforms .

  18. 在9月的纽约时装周上,公司的设计师特尔法·克莱门斯(TelfarClemens)将展示可以适合所有人的新系列,包括露肩背心、战壕风衣和带花边的丹宁牛仔上衣及长裤,走秀的是一群中性风格的模特。

    At New York Fashion Week in September , its designer , Telfar Clemens , will show his one-look-fits-all collection of off-the-shoulder tank tops , trench coats and lacelike denim tops and trousers on a cast of androgynous models .

  19. 他的风衣的拉链在前面。

    His flying jacket can be zipped up at the front .

  20. 他的风衣能够很好地为他挡雨。

    His dustcoat provided him with good protection against rain .

  21. 风衣似乎是一种盔甲。

    The trench coat seems to serve as a kind of armor .

  22. 这件新风衣是在百货大楼买的。

    The new dust-coat is bought in the Department store .

  23. 这是你要的风衣太好了

    Here 's that trench coat that you wanted . - Great .

  24. 她还设计出了既硬朗又经典的水牛皮风衣。

    She also managed to make buffalo-skin trench coats both tough and classy .

  25. 他不应该穿那件风衣被葬。

    He won 't be buried in that cape .

  26. 这件风衣恐怕太时髦了。

    I 'm afraid the dustcoat is too modern-fashioned .

  27. 那件风衣有什么回忆吗?

    Ls there something special about that one ?

  28. 及膝长度的风衣可以使我丰满的臀围看起来小一些。

    The knee-length coat minimizes my full hips .

  29. 两个穿风衣的人在你身后七点钟方向

    Two guys in overcoats at your 7:00 ,

  30. 不是,这件风衣不是他的。

    No , this windbreaker is not his .