
  1. 但起步较晚使中国风电技术与风电发达国家差距很大,MW级以上风电设备设计技术基本依赖进口,作为风电机组关键部件之一的叶片尤其如此。

    But the MW-class wind turbine technologies almost are all imported because of the deep gap between China and west countries with advanced wind power technology , especially rotor blade , which is one of the key components of wind turbine .

  2. 欧洲海上风电技术的发展现状

    Devlopment status of off-shore wind energy technology in Europe

  3. 实践证明,该风电技术应用效果良好,具有很好的推广应用价值。

    Practice proved that the technology had good application effect and great popularization and application value .

  4. 本论文对风电技术中的关键技术&变桨距控制方法进行研究。

    The paper focuses on the key technology of wind power technology & variable pitch control method .

  5. 近年来,随着国家新能源战略的提出,海上风电技术发展迅猛。

    In recent years , with the raising of new national energy strategy , offshore windpower technology is developing rapidly .

  6. 变速恒频发电技术是目前公认的最优化控制方式,也是未来风电技术发展的主要方向。

    Variable-speed constant-frequency generation technology is regarded as the best control way , and also as the main developing direction .

  7. 例如,中国风电技术由于记录较短,因此尚未吸引到英国的金融支持。

    Chinese wind turbine technology has not attracted UK financial backing because of its short track record , for example .

  8. 在污染日趋严重、能源极度紧缺的今天,全球范围内的新能源热潮正在展开,一直在新能源技术中处于领先地位的风电技术愈加受到重视。

    In the pollution is worsening , energy shortage today , global new energy boom under way , wind power technology gets more attention .

  9. 由于受到全球能源危机的影响,风电技术作为一种新型清洁能源得到快速的发展。

    In recent years , wind power as a new clean energy experienced rapid development , with the the influence of the global energy crisis .

  10. 伴随着风电技术的发展与推广,全球风力发电机组的使用规模也在不断扩大。

    Accompanied by the development and popularization of wind power generation , more and more wind turbines are being put into use all over the world .

  11. 随着风电技术在全球范围内的发展,风力发电机的应用越来越广,同时对技术的要求也越来越高。

    With the development of wind power technology in the context of the global , wind turbines are applied more and more widely together with higher technological requirements .

  12. 能源的需求带动海上风电技术快速发展,而桩基础的设计是海上风电场建设的重要组成部分。

    The demand of energy promotes the developing process of wind power on the sea , meanwhile the design of the pile structure is important to setting the offshore wind farm .

  13. 本文对风力发电技术及变速恒频风电技术国内外研究现状作了比较全面的综述,介绍了交流励磁发电机的各种励磁控制策略和发展趋势。

    The research status of wind power generation technology and VSCF technology are summarized in this paper . All kinds of excitation control strategies for VSCF generator and future trends are reviewed .

  14. 随着人类对新能源的日益重视,风电技术得到飞速发展,风电场的装机容量也越来越大。

    With more emphasis put on the new energy increasingly , Wind power technology has been developed rapidly . Installed capacity of the wind power station is also more and more strong .

  15. 作为风电技术的重要组成部分,短期风电功率预测技术对电网的调度和稳定有着很强的指导作用。

    As an important part of wind power technology , short-term wind power prediction has played a guiding role for in the wind power network scheduling and stability , which is very important .

  16. 我国风电技术起步较晚,虽然经过近十年的快速发展,在装机总容量和新增装机容量方面,已处于亚洲第一、世界第二的位置。

    Our wind power technology started later than others , the rapid development in recent years , the total installed capacity and in terms of new capacity has been in Asia , the world second .

  17. 随着国际风电技术和装备水平的快速发展,风力发电已经成为目前技术最为成熟、最具规模化开发条件和商业化发展前景的新能源技术。

    Along with the rapid development of wind power technology and equipment level , wind power generation has become the most mature new energy technology with large-scale development conditions and has prospects for commercial development .

  18. 随着风电技术的日益成熟,无论国内还是国外,都在对风电接入电力系统进行探索和研究,并取得了一定的研究成果。

    With the coming mature of the wind energy technology , both the foreign and native researchers are exploring and researching in area of the power system integration of wind power , and they have drawn some conclusions .

  19. 中国作为发展中国家,制定长远目标发展可再生能源,实现风电技术和产业的国际化,具有非常深远的科技、经济和战略意义。

    To China , a developing country , it is of great technological , economical and strategic importance to set up a long term plan of developing renewable energy and pushing the wind power technology and industry to be globalized .

  20. 目前风电技术已不仅限于研究正常运行情况,而重点研究电网故障下风电机组的穿越运行,并从对称故障向不对称故障延伸。

    The main research of the wind power technology is not only limited to running under the normal grid , but also through the wind turbine running under the power grid failure , and extends from the symmetrical fault to the asymmetric fault .

  21. 国内对风电技术的研究十分薄弱,风力机的大型化、变桨距控制、变速恒频等先进风电技术还远未解决,致使我国大型风力机几乎全部为进口产品。

    Research of wind turbine in china is very weak and many advanced wind turbine technologies are not solved such as high power capacity , pitch control and variable speed constant frequency etc. Thus , almost all advanced large-scale wind turbines are imported from overseas .

  22. 在众多风电并网技术中,柔性直流输电技术(VSC-HVDC)能够为风电场及交流系统提供一定的无功功率支持,十分适用于风电场与电网间的互联。

    Among many grid connection technologies of wind farms , HVDC-Flexible transmission ( VSC-HVDC ) provides reactive support for the wind farms and AC systems . It is very suitable for interconnection between the wind farms and grid .

  23. 在大型风电机组技术方面,仍与世界风电大国存在差距。

    In large wind turbine technology , there is still a gap with others .

  24. 简述了风力机技术、风电并网技术、海上风力发电的现状。

    The status of the wind turbine technology , wind power network technology and offshore wind power are described .

  25. 风电开发技术成熟,具有较好的经济效益和社会效益,是现今最具开发前景的新能源之一。

    Now , the wind power is one of new energy which has the most development prospect because of its mature development technology and preferable economic and social benefits .

  26. 但是,我们也必须清楚的认识到,我国现阶段的海上风电开发技术与发达国家相比还存在很大差距,在开发过程中将会遇到诸多风险。

    But we must realize that , compared with the developed countries , our current technology of exploiting the offshore wind power is still laggard , and we will encounter lots of risks in the exploit .

  27. 在此基础上,建立综合考虑火电、水电和风电发电技术特性、电力和热力负荷平衡、输电容量等多种约束的风电消纳能力分析模型。

    Comprehensively considering technical characteristics of various power generations and such constrains as the balance of power , thermal loads and transfer capacity , a model was built to analyze wind power accommodation capacity of power grid .

  28. 各种风电发电技术也不断发展,而变速恒频发电技术因其对风能利用的高效性和实用性逐渐成为市场的主流产品。

    With the development of various wind electricity power technologys , the technology of variable speed constant frequency ( VSCF ) becomes the mainstream product gradually as result of its high use efficiency of wind energy and its practicability .

  29. 随着风电开发技术的日趋成熟,风电机组的单机容量不断增大,风机的尺寸和重量也都大幅度增加,对支撑结构的要求也越来越高。

    With the development of wind power technology , the capacity of wind turbine is increasing continuously . The size and weight of wind turbine are also increasing greatly . That brings forward a higher requirement for supporting structure .

  30. 风电机组控制技术是一项关键技术。

    The wind turbine control technology is a key technology .