
  • 网络dry-cured goose;Wind goose
  1. 传统工艺加工的风鹅还采用手工作坊式生产,干湿腌制,自然风干,只能在冬季进行生产加工,生产周期较长,通常需1-2个星期。

    Earlier , dry-cured goose was produced by wet / dry salting and open-air drying in traditional hand cottage just in winter with a long processing cycle of almost 1-2 weeks .

  2. 风鹅也称为咸鹅、腊鹅,是我国传统的腌腊肉制品,因风味独特,腊香味浓郁而深受广大消费者的喜爱。

    The dry-cured goose , also known as " salted goose " or " cured goose ", is one of the traditional cured meat products in China ; consumers love it because of its unique flavor and rich aroma .

  3. 应用真空滚揉技术可使风鹅的腌制时间由原来的20h缩短至4h,并可节约大量的腌制液,降低劳动强度,节约成本,提高经济效益。

    Application of vacuum tumbling enabled to shorten the curing from 20 hours to 4 hours , saved pickling liquid , reduced labor intensity and increased economic efficiency . 3 .

  4. 风鹅加工过程中的危害分析与关键点确定

    Study and application of HACCP system on dry cured goose

  5. 风鹅风干新技术的研究

    New Drying Technology Developed for Dry Goose Flavor

  6. 在现有的风鹅加工工艺条件下,风鹅生产周期较短,蛋白质分解作用总体较弱,对最终产品特征风味贡献有限。

    Results revealed that the proteolysis was weaker and its contribution to the characteristic flavor was limited because of the shorter processing period under the modern technology .

  7. 风干禽制品是我国特有的传统腌腊肉制品,主要有风鸡、风鹅和风鸭等,在我国四川、湖南、江苏浙江等地已规模化生产。

    Dry-cured poultry products are traditional Chinese cured meat products , such as dry-cured chicken , dry-cured goose and dry-cured duck , have been large-scale produced in Sichuan , Hunan , Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in China .

  8. 秋天的风应该是金色的,因为秋天是收获的季节金黄色使我们有丰收的感觉.冬天的风应该是鹅黄色的,鹅黄色的风吹在纯白的雪上,难道不是很暖和吗?

    The wind in autumn should be golden because autumn is harvest time , and golden color make us have harvest feelings . The wind in winter should be light yellow . When light yellow wind blew on white snow , it was very warm , wasn 't it ?