
  • 网络Feng Shui Master;feng shui experts
  1. 风水大师们说,正好构成了地缘政治的紧张局势和金融市场的动荡起伏。

    It 's a recipe for geopolitical tensions and drastic market movements , feng shui experts say .

  2. 据都市传说记载,李总理拜访了一位风水大师,也就是当时光明山普觉禅寺的住持:宏船法师(ReverendHongChuan)。

    According to urban legend , Prime Minister Lee visited a feng shui master named Reverend Hong Chuan .

  3. 袁亚非坚信自己会成功,他半开玩笑地说自己的风水大师给东方Fraser这一名字打出了90分的高分。

    Mr Yuan is confident he will succeed , saying half-jokingly that his feng shui master has given him a high score of 90 for the Oriental Fraser name .

  4. 香港风水大师RaymondLo表示2013年将比2012年顺利得多,因为中国新年将在2月迎来蛇年,结束与水有关的龙年。

    HONG Kong feng shui master Raymond Lo says 2013 will be less turbulent than 2012 because the Chinese New Year in February will usher in the Year of the Snake , bringing an end to the Year of the Dragon , which was associated with water .

  5. 很多人找“风水大师”来告诉他们。

    Many people bring in a " feng shui master " to tell them .

  6. 本周,一家报纸报道说,这家在深圳的法院有三名法官由于收受贿赂而定罪,事后它按照风水大师的指点对建筑进行了整修。

    A newspaper reported this week that the Shenzhen court had renovated its buildings under the master 's instructions after three judges were prosecuted for taking bribes .

  7. 在十天的旅行中,“风水大师”带着善男信女们参观一系列中国古代风水的发源地。

    The10-day tour , organized by Feng Shui Masters , takes the faithful ( 14 ) to a series of ancient sites in China that represent feng shui 's early beginnings .

  8. 应国家新闻出版广电总局要求,爱奇艺、优酷等视频网站在数日内下架包括《风水大师》和《消灭大学生》在内的多部网络电影。

    Online films , including " Fengshui Master " and " Eliminate College Students , " were removed from video streaming websites such as iQiyi and Youku within several days by the order of China 's State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television .