
fēnɡ ɡé zhuǎn huàn
  • stylistic shifts
  1. 如同使用C风格转换一样,我熟悉使用其风险但也享受着它的好处。

    I am familiar with the risks and benefits of pointer casting , as well as the evils of using C-style casts .

  2. 基于形状演化的线条画风格转换与变形

    Evolution-Based Style Transformation and Deformation for Line Drawings

  3. 忽视了风格转换的员工会很快看起来格格不入。

    Employees who ignore the style shift may soon start to look out of place .

  4. 科技英语文体与译文风格转换

    On Style and Translation of Scientific English

  5. 线条画风格转换与定制方法的研究

    Style Translation and Customization for Line Drawings

  6. 本文主要对二维非真实感艺术风格转换的几种算法进行了深入分析论述,并对风格转换的发展进行展望。

    This paper discusses and analyzes the algorithm of style translation for NPR , and forecasts the prospective development of style translation technology .

  7. 在此基础上,提出MGISII地图显示风格转换系统的具体需求,并通过试验总结出实现显示风格转换需要的部分参数的经验值。

    Additionally , the paper proposes the requirement of the style conversion system and gives the experimental values of the parameters used in the system .

  8. 根据其艺术创作的时间、地域,以及风格转换可分为三个阶段&中西融合的艺术创作启蒙期、探索期和发展期。

    According to the artistic creation time , region , and the translation of styles , it can divided into three stages & theenlightenment period , exploration period and development phase of art creation .

  9. 从经济形态之别和基本主题与题材转换,社会关系之别和基本场景与情节转换,价值体系之别和主要人物与主导风格转换这三方面论述乡土小说向农村小说转换的历程。

    The shifting process from hometown novel to village novel is stated from the following aspects : from economic formation differences to basic theme and material , from social relation differences to basic scene and plot , from value system differences to main character and dominating style .

  10. 英汉议论文体主位推进模式对比分析论英汉文学翻译中的语言美&兼议英汉翻译语体风格的转换

    A Comparison of the Thematic Progression Models between English and Chinese Argumentative Writings ; On Linguistic Delicacy In English-Chinese Translation

  11. 最具成效的领导人可以在这些风格之间转换自如,采用最符合情势需要的风格。

    The most effective leaders can move among these styles , adopting the one that meets the needs of the moment .

  12. 一个最常见类型是动画广告,因其综合了简洁和诙谐风格及转换迅速的连续性,它便成为一种完全诞生于电视的艺术型式。

    The purest example is the animated commercial , combining its own succinct , witty style and lightning continuity , an art born entirely of television .

  13. 随着市场主导的投资风格的不断转换,不同投资风格的基金面临的风险程度和收益稳定性状况不同,从而使得各类基金业绩的持续性也会有所不同。

    Along with the transformation of the investment style in the market , mutual fund which have different style will face different risk and income condition , and persistence in each kind of mutual fund performance will be different .

  14. 对其风格进行提取与转换是非真实感绘制领域的重要组成部分和研究的热点之一。

    The extraction and transformation of the styles of line drawings has become an important part and one of the hottest research topics in the field of Non-photorealistic rendering .

  15. 通过抽取社会背景综合指数的平均值、特异值和指数集中区域,得到时尚风格知识,并通过实例论证了从社会背景隐性知识向时尚风格显性知识的转换的可行性。

    By extracting the average figure , peculiar figure and the concentrated area of Composite Index , the fashion style tendency could be drawn . The paper demonstrated the feasibility of the conversion from the implicit knowledge of social background to explicit knowledge of fashion style through example research .

  16. 萨姆·史密斯是一个风格多变的男人,他可以在奥蒂斯·雷丁、艾瑞莎·弗兰克林和雷·查尔斯以及像艾米·怀恩豪斯和阿黛尔这样的现代偶像的风格中随意转换。

    Sam Smith is a fluid soul man , with style channeling Otis Redding , Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles alongside modern icons like Amy Winehouse and Adele .