
fēnɡ wèi xiǎo chī
  • Local Delicacies;local snacks
  1. 风味小吃,样样新鲜、美味、可口。

    Local snacks are fresh , delicious and tasty .

  2. 旅游观光的一部分就是尝尝不同地方的没尝过的风味小吃。

    Part of sightseeing is tasting new foods from different places .

  3. 风味小吃食品喷涂调味料配方的研究

    Study on formula of spray flavoring material in flavor snack food

  4. 我觉得是南方的风味小吃。

    I believe they are a local delicacy in the South .

  5. 当地人用传统方法制作风味小吃。

    Local people are making noshes through a traditional method .

  6. 本饭店特别推出四川风味小吃。

    Our restaurant offers you Sichuan-flavored snacks .

  7. 烟台焖子是独具特色的风味小吃。

    The smoke pedestal mei son has the taste a light repast of special features only .

  8. 本店承办高档宴席和南方风味小吃。

    Our restaurant caters ( for ) high grade feasts and local-flavour snacks of south China .

  9. 肉串是我国传统的风味小吃,受到百姓的喜爱。

    Meat strings is a kind of traditional snack in China and is favored by the Chinese people .

  10. 斯利那加,寒冷的夜晚,一名克什米尔路边摊小贩,在集市上准备着自己的风味小吃。摄于1月10日。

    A Kashmiri roadside vendor prepares snacks at a market during a cold evening in Srinagar on Jan.10 .

  11. 朋友,听我说了这么多,你们一定要来无锡尝尝这里的风味小吃小笼包哟!

    Friends , listen to me so much , you must try to come here in Wuxi , snack dumplings yo !

  12. 这里还有寿司和食用甲壳类生物,但最好的还是地方风味小吃,尤其是一种烹调的干酪。

    There 's sushi and shellfish here too but the better bets are the regional specialities , especially the cheese fondue .

  13. 你们还将有机会欣赏中国戏剧和杂技表演,赔偿纯真的中国烹调和地方风味小吃。

    You will also have opportunities to enjoy Chinese operas and acrobatic shows , and taste authentic Chinese food and local delicacies .

  14. 老广州的旧别墅群、龟岗的石板路,还有风味小吃都是老城区老广州的缩影。

    Dongshan Kou : Old Cantonese style villas , flagstones pavements , and flavor snacks * It is a window of old Guangzhou .

  15. 内容:1.浪漫酒吧激情狂欢;2.展销国内外美食;3.果疏雕、菜拼盘等精品风味小吃。

    Contents : 1 . Bars romance and passion ; 2 . Exhibition and promotion of worldwide cuisines ; 3 . Fruit sculpture , cold dish plate etc.

  16. 游客可以沿丝绸之路观赏美丽壮观的自然景观,欣赏古代艺术家高超的工艺,品尝丰富的地方风味小吃。

    All along the route tourists will take pleasure in the magnificent natural landscape , appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists , and enjoy a variety of local delicacies .

  17. 不管到哪里,我们都会参观当地的名胜,我会尽量给他们多拍一些照片,我们也会品尝一下当地的风味小吃。

    We visited the local wonderful spots and I took as many photos of them as I could and we also tasted various local delicacies no matter where we travelled .

  18. 手抓羊肉在新疆的穆斯林中既是一种招待亲友的上等佳肴,也是一种可随时食用的风味小吃。

    Shouzhua mutton in Xinjiang 's Muslim friends and relatives in honor of both a first-class cuisine , is also a kind of consumption may at any time the wind Flavor snack .

  19. 在夜市上,既有风味小吃大杂烩,又可以挑选平价衣,还有老远就能闻到的台式臭豆腐滋味,所以每天晚上夜市上总是人头攒动。

    There is something about the blend of cheap clothing , smorgasbord of delicacies and wafting scent of stinky tofu that draws the locals to pack the island 's many night markets every evening .

  20. 这份菜单很快就将用于清河坊街区里林林总总的风味小吃店和中式大餐馆。清河坊街区是展示杭州传统文化、民间习俗和当地风味的窗口。

    The menu will soon appear on the tables of many snack bars and restaurants in qing-he-fang street , which is a showcase of hangzhou 's traditional cultures , folk customs and local flavours .

  21. 中国最佳风味小吃荟萃于此,吃了还想来。有些美国人越过边境只是为了吃点墨西哥小吃。

    The Best local-flavor snacks of China are gathered together here . You 'll come again after the first try . Some Americans cross the border just to fuel up on some Mexican food .

  22. 2011年访华时,拜登带着随从去了北京的一家小吃店,点了当地风味小吃炸酱面,一共才花费了79元。

    In a 2011 visit to China , Biden and his men dropped by a snack store in Beijing and ate noodles with soybean paste , a local delicacy , spending a total of 79 yuan .

  23. 不久前的一个晚上,当49岁的侯赛因坐下来聊天的时候,周围满是系着领结的服务生——许多从费卢杰过来的员工目前在新餐厅工作。在食客等待开斋之际,他们把风味小吃端到桌上。

    As Hussein , 49 , sat down to chat one recent evening , he was surrounded by bow-tied waiters - much of the staff from Fallujah now works in the new place - filling the tables with dishes of mezze , or appetizers , as diners waited to break their fast .

  24. 你可以去尝一尝五香豆、梨膏糖、糖炒栗子、大闸蟹,更别提那些风味独特的小吃和点心了。

    You have to try Five-flavored Beans , Ligao Candy , Roasted Chestnut , Seasonal Hairy Crab , and not to mention the other savory desserts .