
  1. 马云打太极拳,自称风清扬&中国的武侠高手,训练出了一名武功盖世的徒弟。

    He practices tai chi and uses the nickname Feng Qingyang , a reference to a Chinese kung fu guru who trained an apprentice into a hero .

  2. 马云打太极拳,自称“风清扬”——中国的武侠高手,训练出了一名武功盖世的徒弟。

    He practices tai chi and uses the nickname " Feng Qingyang , " a reference to a Chinese kung fu guru who trained an apprentice into a hero .

  3. 对马云来说,这不只是一种噱头。马云自己的绰号是“风清扬”,它来自一个隐居山中的剑侠角色,行事不可预测而且非常好斗。

    This is more than a gimmick for Mr Ma , whose own nickname - " Feng Qingyang " - comes from a reclusive swordsman character who was unpredictable and aggressive .