
xià yǔ tiān
  • rainy day;wet weather
  1. 威伯几乎再也不能忍受了:谁愿意在一个忧伤的下雨天,看到自己的早餐被别人吃掉呢?

    This was almost more than Wilbur could stand : on this dreary26 , rainy day to see his breakfast being eaten by somebody else .

  2. 下雨天,孩子们有时候使母亲疲倦而紧张。

    On a rainy day the children sometimes ran mother ragged .

  3. 如果碰上下雨天或是严寒天气,就选择一项室内活动。

    If the weather is wet or cold choose an indoor activity

  4. 听上去也许很奇怪,她其实喜欢下雨天。

    Strange as it may seem , she actually prefers rainy days .

  5. 下雨天和晴天相间而来。

    Wet days alternates with fine days .

  6. -14-在下雨天开车要减慢车速,车前有老人、小孩、宠物时放慢车速。

    Drive slower in the rain , especially when old people , children or dogs are nearby .

  7. 赶上下雨天如果尾巴淋湿了,它总是顾惜半天,不肯高飞,完全不在意捕鸟人的到来,而最后的结果则是被人抓住。

    When it rains and their tails get wet , they will take care of their tails for a long times , and won 't fly high into the sky , not giving any care to the arrival of the hunters . Thus , they get caught in the end .

  8. n.体育馆下雨天时,学生们在体育馆内玩游戏。

    gym On rainy days the students play games in the gym .

  9. 下雨天鱼更会上钩。

    The fish will bite all the better for the rain .

  10. 据我所知,药房下雨天也开门。

    Last I checked , pharmacies were still openWhen it rained .

  11. 我爱下雨天,我恨下雨天。

    I love rainy days as much as I hate it .

  12. 下雨天他不敢开得太快。

    He dare not drive too fast on the rainy day .

  13. 下雨天逛街很有意思。

    It 's fun to go malling on a raining day .

  14. 在喷鼻港下雨天很少有人穿童鞋。

    In Hong Kong people seldom wear galoshes in wet weather .

  15. 下雨天,我不愿打伞。

    When it rains , I don 't like take umbrella .

  16. 下雨天我通常在家里读书。

    I usually read books at home when it is raining .

  17. 下雨天时,学生们在体育馆内玩游戏。

    On rainy days the students play games in the gym .

  18. 等待,等待一个下雨天,告诉自己。

    Wait , wait a rainy day , tell oneself .

  19. 下雨天,他乐于读一本好书。

    He contented himself with a good book on a rainy day .

  20. 下雨天,人们更喜欢选择希腊食品。

    On rainy days , people order more Greek food .

  21. 下雨天出车祸往往引起堵车。

    These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days .

  22. 只因为你不愿意在下雨天出门。

    Because you won 't go out when it rains .

  23. 对了,下雨天痛得受不了。

    Oh yes , it becomes unbearab1e in rainy days .

  24. 为下雨天准备些钱。

    Have money in the bank for a rainy day .

  25. 下雨天一定要带伞。

    Always carry an umbrella with you during rainy days .

  26. 虽是下雨天,我们仍然坚持要去。

    Although it was raining that day , we insisted to go .

  27. 下雨天孩子们花了整个上午把邮票贴在集邮簿上。

    The children spent a rainy morning sticking stamps in their albums .

  28. 知道下雨天玩什么最好?

    You know what a really good rainy-day game is ?

  29. 下雨天的公共汽车总是很拥挤。

    When it is wet , the buses are crowded .

  30. 之后就是一连串之下雨天,把我们之假期弄得一团糟。

    Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation .