
  1. 实验证明,所研制出的CR-23,CR-26,CR-27等涂料用于600~800℃下数种模具钢型腔的超塑成形具有良好的保护和润滑性能。

    It is shown by experiments that the coatings prepared of types CR-23 , CR-26 , CR-27 etc. applied to the superplastic forming of cavities of several die steels at 600 ~ 800 ℃ possess excellent properties both in protection and lubrication .

  2. 产下数之不尽的一串串鱼卵

    Innumerable strands of eggs are laid .

  3. 在花盆的土壤表面撒下数颗种子,并覆盖一层薄薄的蛭石。

    Drop several seeds over the surface of the pot and cover with a thin layer of vermiculite .

  4. 国家警卫队直升飞机正在向由于大雪被困的牲畜群扔下数顿干草。

    National Guard helicopters are dropping tons of hay to cattle herds that had been stranded in heavy snow drifts .

  5. 因而,许多产妇死于产床上,许多新生儿在生下数周就从未幸存下来。

    Thus , many women died in childbed , and many infants never survived the first few weeks of their lives .

  6. 他说:石灰岩可能存在于城下数千米深的地方,而不是深几百米的地方。

    " There may be limestone thousands of meters beneath the city , but not hundreds of meters ," he said .

  7. 天候恶劣&有时一连下数星期的倾盆大雨,有时早餐前的阴影处气温高达38℃。

    The weather can be extreme & sometimes torrents of rain for weeks on end , sometimes 100 degrees in the shade before breakfast .

  8. 这就是美国史。它不是一部十全十美的民族发展史,但它是一部在伟大和永恒的理想指导下数代人团结奋斗的历史。

    It is the American story - a story of flawed and fallible people , united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals .

  9. 天候恶劣——有时一连下数星期的倾盆大雨,有时早餐前的阴影处气温高达38℃。

    The weather can be extreme - sometimes torrents of rain for weeks on end , sometimes 100 degrees in the shade before breakfast .

  10. 当你得到这些小矿石,再一次把它们浸在水中放在太阳下数小时,将它们连接到我们王国。

    As you procure these small stones , again place them in water and in the sun for a few hours connecting them to our kingdom .

  11. 在他们接近清醒的时间,将人暴露在比通常家用光源亮很多倍的光线下数小时。

    They expose people to special lights , many times brighter than ordinary household light , for several hours near the time the subjects want to wake up .

  12. 一些克隆动物已成功繁殖,包括全球第一例克隆哺乳动物,绵羊多利,她已生下数只健康的小羊。

    Some cloned animals have been successfully bred , including Dolly the sheep , the world 's first cloned mammal , which has given birth to several healthy lambs .

  13. 研究了全定制环境下数模混合电路的设计方法和模拟验证技术,并提出了层次式混合电路模拟验证方法。

    4 , It studies the design method and simulation technology of mixed signal circuit under full custom design environment . And it proposes a hierarchical simulation method for mixed circuits .

  14. 但是,现在地球上完全黑暗的地方也有生命,如在地表下数公里的洞穴中。生命原始形式的细菌就存在于那儿。

    But now , places have been found on earththat are in total blackness such as caves several miles beneath the surface.And bacteria , primitive forms of life have been seen there .

  15. 亚洲股市昨日纷纷创下数月新高。中国最新月度数据显示,亚洲第二大经济体制造业活动继续呈扩张状态,这一消息提振了大宗商品股。

    Equity markets in the region hit multi-month highs yesterday as commodity stocks were buoyed by fresh data from China showing manufacturing activity in Asia 's second-largest economy expanding for another month .

  16. 研究者说近些天发现的水下数英里长的羽流会对毒害和窒息整个食物链的海洋生命,造成的危害可能持续一个世纪或更长。

    Researchers said miles-long underwater plumes of oil discovered in recent days could poison and suffocate sea life across the food chain , with damage that could endure for a decade or more .

  17. 此外,开放数据也是芭芭拉·李-温特的工作重心,她通过公开的基因组数据,协助警方逮捕了曾在上世纪七八十年代犯下数起凶杀案的“金州杀手”。

    Open data was also central to the work of Barbara Rae-Venter , who used public genome data to help identify the Golden State killer , who committed multiple murders in California during the 1970s and 1980s .

  18. 下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。

    A couple of inches of dry , powdery snow had fallen .

  19. 指数分布下定数截尾步加试验参数的二次加速因子Bayes估计

    Secondary acceleration factor 's Bayes estimation on the constant tail-cutting off and step increase experiment parameters in the exponential distribution

  20. 在DMA方式下,数传过程不是由CPU控制,而是在专用接口芯片DMA控制器的控制下实现的,它适用于外设和主存之间批量数据的高速数据传输。

    By means of a special interface chip , the data transmission is achieved in DMA way , this is DMA controller instead of CPU .

  21. 仿真结果表明,WSN在一定网络负荷下丢包数更低,能有效缓解某些节点的拥塞,更有利于节能。

    The results from OPNET simulation show that the strategy makes the packet loss less , lighten some nodes ' congestion effectively and saves more battery energy in a certain network load .

  22. 此外,不同PEG浓度下根数均表现为不同程度的减少,与苗高、根长、根干重相比,根数在不同处理间的变异最小。

    In addition , the number of root under different PEG concentrations treatment was shown for different degrees of reduction . Compared to seedling height , root length , root dry weight the variation of the numbers was the smallest .

  23. 低温生物技术能让胎儿在低温条件下存活数年。

    Cryobiology has allowed unborn fetuses be kept under cryopreservation for years .

  24. 烟囱下桩数的确定方法

    The Method for Computing the Number of Chimney Piles

  25. 在熵损失函数下定数截尾情形的参数估计&指数分布情形

    Estimation of Exponential Distribution Parameter under Entropy Loss Function Based on Type ⅱ Censoring

  26. 分析了可能导致高温条件下粒子数反转的机制。

    The possible mechanisms of population inversion under the average high temperature condition has been analysed .

  27. 军方的直升机为了防止炉心熔解而投下了数顿的水。

    Army helicopters dumped tonnes of water to try to prevent a meltdown of fuel rods .

  28. 那艘装上了核发动装置的潜水艇能在水下停留数月。

    The submarine to which an atomic engine is fitted can stay under water for months .

  29. 惯用治疗方法更加疼痛并且要求病人在光下停留数小时。

    The conventional method is more painful and requires patients to lie under the light for several hours .

  30. 双参数指数分布下定数截尾恒加试验的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Type ⅱ Censoring Data from Constant-Stress Accelerated Life Testing Method under Two-Parameter Exponential Distribution Law