
  1. 她的国际象棋下得很棒。

    She plays a mean game of chess .

  2. 雨下得比以往都大。

    It 's raining worse than ever .

  3. 她国际象棋下得很好。

    She 's great at chess .

  4. 外面雨下得很大。

    It was raining hard outside .

  5. 雨下得很大,但她没有雨伞。

    It was raining hard , and she hadn 't an umbrella .

  6. 雨下得很大,她觉得她听见了一阵轰隆隆的雷声。

    The rain was teeming down and she thought she heard a rumble of thunder .

  7. 当时雪下得很大。

    It was snowing hard by then .

  8. 我们直到圣诞节时才收割庄稼,因为雪下得实在太多了。

    We didn 't get the harvest in until Christmas , there was so much snow .

  9. 这场雨下得真及时呀!

    This is a timely rain indeed .

  10. 雨下得正急。

    It 's raining hard .

  11. 雨下得很大,我们必须赶快找个避雨的地方。

    It 's raining hard ; we must get under cover quickly .

  12. 雨下得很大,这堤要垮了。

    It 's raining hard ; the dike is going to collapse .

  13. 雨下得很大,把我们困在了家里。

    It was raining hard , which kept us indoors .

  14. 雨下得河面都平了槽。

    It rained so heavily that the river rose as high as the banks .

  15. 他的棋下得忒恶心。

    He is a lousy chess-player .

  16. 既见不到他个人的情感,也看不出有哪一笔下得生动有力。

    No personal impulses can be felt in it ; not a stroke has any verve .

  17. 但我们不希望雨下得太大。

    But we do not want it to rain too hard .

  18. 雨下得很大,许多街道都被水淹没了。

    It rained so heavily that many streets were covered with water .

  19. 昨夜的雪下得很大。

    It snowed heavily last night .

  20. 还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更像样。

    As for autumn rains in the North , they also seem to differ from those in the South , being more appealing , more temperate .

  21. 曾经有一年的冬天,雪下得很大,积得很深。

    Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep .

  22. 雨下得大,阻止了我出去。

    It rained heavily , which prevented me from going out .

  23. 雪下得这么大你开车得小心呀!

    You must drive carefully when it 's snowing so hard .

  24. 天气很好。雨下得很小。

    The weather 's just fine . It 's hardly raining .

  25. 开车去南京的一路上雨都下得很大。

    It was raining heavily during the drive to nanjing .

  26. 雨下得很大,她的睫毛膏模糊了。

    It was raining heavily and her Mascara had smudged .

  27. 雨下得很大,他仍不顾一切出发了。

    It was raining heavily but he set out undeterred .

  28. 雨下得很大,所以我们无法出去骑马。

    It was raining heavily so we could not ride our horses .

  29. 外面雨下得很大,你最好还是住在这儿。

    You had better stay here since it 's raining heavily outside .

  30. 雪下得很大,结果,他来晚了。

    It snowed heavily , and , he came late .