
  1. 黔东南侗寨聚落与建筑的布局特征浅析

    Brief Analysis of Layout Characteristic of Dong Minority Village and Building in Qiandongnan

  2. 贵州省从江县小黄侗寨的织染工艺与民俗

    Weaving and Dyeing Technics and Folk-custom of Xiao Huang Village in Congjiang County of Guizhou Province

  3. 肇兴侗寨坐落在高山环抱的一个大山谷里,是全世界最大而又最古老的侗寨。

    Surrounded by the high mountains , the Zhaoxing Dong stockade is the biggest and oldest Dongzhai in the world .

  4. 首先,在设计原则方面分析了在侗寨传统建筑的当代建筑再设计中,不应一比一的进行复制,而是应该有选择性的利用。

    First , in the aspect of design principle , the paper analyzes the redesign should be a selective usage rather than copy one by one .

  5. 鼓楼是侗族特有的建筑,与侗族的民居相比,它高耸于侗寨之中,鹤立鸡群。

    The Gulou is a characterized building in Dong , compared with local-style dwelling houses of Dong , it is towering in Dong village , stand head .

  6. 少部分地区(肇兴侗寨)居民对政府职能管理部门能力表示怀疑,信任程度较低。

    Small part of the region ( Zhaoxing ) residents of the functions of the government administration expressed doubts about the ability to lower the level of trust .

  7. 步入侗寨,有哪家在煎酸肉或酸鱼,香味常常逗行游人唾涎三尺。

    Marches into the Dong stronghold , which has to fry the sour meat or the sour fish , the fragrance teases the good tourist saliva three feet frequently .

  8. 民族建筑与自然环境之交融以从江增冲侗寨研究为例中国黎平侗族自然环境与民俗地理生存方式考察贵州黎平县黄岗侗寨个案分析

    Mixture of Ethnic Buildings with Natural Environment ; Investigation of the Dong 's Natural Environment and Traditional Geographical Life in Liping : A Case Study of Huanggang Dong Village in Liping County of Guizhou

  9. 侗寨建筑在独特的气候与环境中派生出来,形成了侗族地区独特精湛的建筑式制,同时又创造出质朴率真、独树一帜的侗族建筑文化。

    Dong ethnic building was derived from the unique environment and climate , not only formed the unique superb architectural type system in Dong ethnic district but also created the plain forthright and sincere Dong ethnic architecture culture .