
  1. 侗族民歌传承主体的生存境况与文化适应

    The Survival Condition and the Cultural Adaptation of the Transmission Main Body of Dong 's Folk Song

  2. 但是,在市场经济和外来文化的冲击下,传统的侗族民歌文化面临着传承危机。

    However , being market economy and external cultural impacted , traditional folk song culture has confronted transmission crisis .

  3. 侗族民歌与文人诗的叙事策略&从人类学视角对诗歌社会功能的探究

    Dong People ′ s Song and Narrative Skill of Scholar ′ s poem & From Anthropology ′ s Angle to Probe into Poem ′ s Social Function

  4. 侗族民歌与故事、节庆社交礼俗、人生礼仪等是传统教育的主要内容,是文化濡化的重要内容。

    The main contents of traditional education include Dong folk songs and stories , festivals , social customs , rituals ; it is also an important part of the culture acculturation .

  5. 侗族人民在长期的生产和生活实践中,创造了富有浓郁地方色彩的独特的民族文化,侗族民歌就是绽放在民族文化中的一枝奇葩。

    During the long course of production and practice , the Dong people have created a very unique ethnical culture , which is full of local features , and the Dong folk song is a flower blooming in the Dong ethnical culture .