
  1. 侗族建筑:文化空间的聚合与叙事

    Culture the story of the Dong buildings

  2. 三江侗族建筑的科技人类学考察总结了国内学者对科技人类学研究的新进展,并对首届科技人类学研讨会进行综述。

    This article offers a conclusive discussion of the progress of Science and Technology-anthropology study of Chinese , and proceed to the first Science and Technology-anthropology seminar .

  3. 侗族建筑是中华民族文化之瑰宝,也是世界建筑艺术的奇葩。

    The architecture of Dong nationality , one of the minorities of china , is great treasure of Chinese culture and splendid art of architecture in the world .

  4. 侗族民间建筑的装饰特色及其文脉机制

    Decoration Characteristics and the Context System of the Dong 's Folk Dwelling

  5. 侗族传统建筑文化美学之精神浅论

    Traditional Building Culture of the Dong Ethnic Group : A Perspective of Aesthetics

  6. 天人合一的建筑文化特色&桂北侗族民居建筑概述

    Building Culture of Dong Nationality in Northern Guangxi

  7. 侗族传统建筑文化的保护与传承工作,需要那些社会因素的支持?

    What social supportation factors do the protection and inheritance of Dong traditional architectural culture need ?

  8. 本论文以侗族传统建筑及其营造技术为研究对象。

    The paper researches on the construction technology and culture of traditional architecture of the Dong ethnic .

  9. 云南特色旅游资源&民族生态建筑侗族民居建筑特色及其文化内涵探析

    Tourism Resource with Yunnan Flavor Tribal Ecological Architectures ; An Analysis of the Dong People 's Architecture and its Cultural Connotation

  10. 《实施世界遗产公约的操作指南》重点概念解读分析&以黔东南侗族区域建筑生态环境空间研究为例

    An Explanation on Key Concepts of Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of World Heritage Convention & The Example of Ecological Environmental Space of the Dong Nationality Area in Southeast of Guizhou

  11. 笔者从对通道县的实地调研所取得的资料中,分析并提出如下疑问:1.侗族传统建筑如何与现代建筑元素和谐共生?

    After the research of the Tongdao county the author of this paper has analyzed and proposed the following questions : 1 . How does the Dong traditional architecture coexistence harmoniously with the modern architecture element ?

  12. 并分别用实例来证实鼓楼的建筑魅力和侗族的传统建筑文化精华。

    Also prove the building glamour of the Gulou and marrow of traditional culture building of Dong through the realistic example .

  13. 侗族村寨传统建筑风格是中华民族建筑文化的奇葩瑰宝。

    The tradition architectural construction art of Dong minority village is one of the rare treasures and beautiful flowers in the chinese nation architectural culture .

  14. 鼓楼是侗族特有的建筑,与侗族的民居相比,它高耸于侗寨之中,鹤立鸡群。

    The Gulou is a characterized building in Dong , compared with local-style dwelling houses of Dong , it is towering in Dong village , stand head .

  15. 浅析侗族聚落模式及建筑形式

    A Brief Analysis on the Settlement Pattern and Construction Mode of Dong Nationality Village

  16. 视野与方法&文化圈背景下的侗族传统村落及建筑研究

    Vision and Method : The Research of the Dong Nationality 's Traditional Villages and Buildings Under Culture Circles Background

  17. 侗寨建筑在独特的气候与环境中派生出来,形成了侗族地区独特精湛的建筑式制,同时又创造出质朴率真、独树一帜的侗族建筑文化。

    Dong ethnic building was derived from the unique environment and climate , not only formed the unique superb architectural type system in Dong ethnic district but also created the plain forthright and sincere Dong ethnic architecture culture .

  18. 2006年5月广西三江侗族自治县的侗族木构建筑营造技艺已列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。

    In May 2006 , the techniques of timber frame construction of Dong in Sanjiang Dong autonomous county was approved to be on the first National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage .

  19. 侗族风雨桥是侗乡特有的文化景观,是侗族建筑文化艺术的精粹,桥带有文化、哲学以及建筑艺术等内涵,同时富含生态审美意蕴。

    The Wind and Rain Bridge is the symbolized cultural landscape and architecture of the Dong minority people . It has a deep connotation of culture , philosophy and architecture art , it also contains plenty of ecological aesthetic implications .