
  • 网络xiphoid process
  1. 目的:研究体外培养乳鼠胸骨剑突软骨细胞的原代培养方法,探讨该方法应用的可行性和应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the method of the primary culture chondrocyte from newborn mouse breastbone , and discuss the feasibility of this method and it 's application value .

  2. 刚好从胸骨的剑突处穿出。

    And exited just below the xiphoid process of the sternum .

  3. 方法:超声心动图采用连续追踪法,经胸骨旁、剑突下、胸骨上窝及锁骨上窝仔细全面扫查。

    Methods : Continuous track and careful overall scan were used on parasternal , apex , subcostal , suprasternal , and supraclavicular windows by echocardiography .