
  • 网络body fat percentage;percent body fat;pbf;percentage body fat
  1. 根据BMI和体脂百分比标准判别成人肥胖度效力的评估性研究

    Assessment of adult obesity potency based on BMI and body fat percentage standard

  2. 男女各组体脂百分比均值趋向最佳体力状况范围,男为12.97%~18.59%,女为18.44%~21.39%。

    The mean values of body fat percentage in each male and female groups tended to a range of the physical capacity status , it was 12.97 % to 18.59 % for males and 18.44 % to 21.39 % for females .

  3. 目的:探讨女性体脂百分比(percentagebodyfat,PBF)与血脂异常的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between percentage body fat ( PBF ) and dyslipidemia in women .

  4. 结果:①大学生体脂百分比的方差分析:专业因素、性别因素对体脂百分比均有非常显著性影响(P均<0.01),但二者之间无交互效应(P>0.05)。

    RESULTS : ① ANOVA of body fat percentage of college students : Specialty and gender factors had significant effects on body fat percentage ( P < 0.01 ), but had no interactions ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 运动员组身体素质五项指标中仰卧起坐、100米和800米跑的指标有显著性差异(P0.05),体脂百分比平均值和去脂体重无明显差异。

    Sit-ups , 100-meter run and 800-meter run , which were included in five indicators of athletes group , were obviously changed ( P0.05 ), body fat rates and lean body weight were not changed . 3 .

  6. 按体脂百分比将81名8~12岁儿童分为肥胖组、正常组和消瘦组,并进行催乳素(PRL)、甲状腺素的测定,分析儿童体成分与两种激素之间的关系。

    In this paper , 81 children were divided into obese , normal and thin group according to Body Fat Percentage ( BFP ), PRL and thyroid hormone were determined to analyze the relationship of body composition and these two hormones .

  7. 在研究开始时,每名志愿者都来到生理实验室,接受了体重、B.M.I.、体脂百分比、当前耐力水平等多种健康和健身指标的测定。

    Each of the volunteers visited the physiology lab at the start of the study and the scientists determined their weight , B.M.I. , percentage of body fat , current endurance level , and others measures of health and fitness .

  8. 皮褶厚度、体脂百分比和瘦体质量。

    Skinfold thickness , fat mass index and lean body mass .

  9. 女生体脂百分比下降的幅度比男生大。

    Declining rangeability of body fat percentage of girls is larger than boys .

  10. 大学生体脂百分比测量及回归方程的优选

    Measurement of body fat percentage of college students and optimized selection of regressive equations

  11. 指距/身高指数和体脂百分比等指标不甚理想;

    The indexes of longitude of upper limbs / height and physical fat are both ideal ;

  12. 而运用腰臀比推测体脂百分比明显优于身体质量指数,且适用范围也较广。

    However , WHR was superior to and more applicable than BMI in estimating body fat percentage .

  13. 北京市儿童少年体重指数与体脂百分比关系的分析

    The relation between body mass index and percentage body fat among Chinese adolescent living in urban Beijing

  14. 以腰臀比和身体质量指数作为自变量,建立以大学生体脂百分比为因变量的多种回归方程,然后进行筛选并检验信度。

    Assorted regressive equations were established with body fat percentage as dependent variable , WHR and BMI as independent variables .

  15. 结果发现:体脂百分比与有氧、无氧能力各指标间呈显著的负相关;

    The results reveal that the body fat percentage has a significantly negative correlation with each index of aerobic and anaerobic capacities ;

  16. 第二典型相关为补呼气率(ERV%)与体脂百分比的负相关。

    Secondly to a negative correlation between % BF and a ratio of Expiratory Reserre Volume to VC ( ERV % ) .

  17. 结果男生体脂百分比(BF%)7岁组为13.2%,8~18岁基本稳定在15%左右,没有随年龄而上升;

    Results The percentage of body fat was 13.2 % in 7 years old group and stayed about 15 % in 8-18 years group .

  18. 身体营养成分测评结果:除50~60岁年龄组外,女性其他各组体脂百分比均大于30%。

    Nutritional component : Except 50-60 years old group , percentage of body fat was more than 30 % in the different age group .

  19. 与中国优秀男子跳高运动员的平均水平比较,运动员的体脂百分比偏高,瘦体重偏轻。

    The athletes ' percentage of body fat is higher and the body mass is lighter than average level of Chinese excellent male high-jump athletes .

  20. 目的:根据体脂百分比回归优选方程,正确了解大学生的肥胖程度和健康状况。

    AIM : To accurately realize the obesity extent and health status of college students based on the optimized regressive equations of body fat percentage .

  21. 结论北京城区超重及肥胖学龄儿童的体脂百分比水平≥20%,与世界其他种族学龄儿童接近。

    Conclusion Fat % in overweight and obese schoolchildren in Beijing urban was about 20 % , and was compared to other ethnical schoolchildren in the world .

  22. 结果:1.增龄过程中,体重和体脂百分比增加;耐力训练对各年龄组体重影响较小,但可以显著降低大鼠体脂百分比。

    Results : 1 . Body mass and body fat percentage of rats increased during the aging progress . Body fat percentage of rats markedly decreased after endurance training .

  23. 结果显示,目前大学生中,超重或肥胖的学生占有相当的比例,体脂百分比总体均值偏高。

    Results showed that at present in the university student suitable proportion and quantity of overweight or obese students created the body fat ratio ensemble average to be high .

  24. 结果显示,长期游泳锻炼可一定程度降低女大学生体脂百分比,减轻体重,减慢安静心率、呼吸频率,降低血压,提高肺活量。

    The result shows that long-term swimming exercise can decrease the percentage of body fat and weight at certain degree , heart rate at rest , breathing frequency and blood pressure and improve the vital capacity .

  25. 肥胖、超重男生体重及瘦体重含量与通气功能呈显著正相关,肥胖男生腰围、体脂百分比与通气功能呈负相关;

    In obese and overweight boys , body weight and lean body weight were positively associated with the ventilatory function , while waist circumference and body fat percentage were negatively associated with the function in obese boys .

  26. 经过四周的运动减肥,能够有效降低肥胖青少年的体脂百分比,男女受试者身体的脂肪含量都出现明显的减少,其健康状况得到了良好改善。

    Four-week weight reduction by exercise can lower the percentage of body fat of obese adolescents effectively . Contents of fat of both male and female testees declined distinctively . Health situations of those testees are improved too .

  27. 实验通过测试、分析与研究得出以下结论:1.热瑜伽对人体体脂百分比和肌肉百分比有明显的改变,可以减少身体的脂肪含量,增加肌肉含量,但减脂的效果和常温瑜伽相比差异不大。

    Hot yoga on the body fat percentage and muscle percentage of the obvious changes that can reduce body fat , increasing muscle content , but reduced fat compared the effects of yoga and little difference at room temperature .

  28. 中、小强度的健身走都能显著降低56&60岁男子脂肪重量和体脂百分比,中强度的效果非常显著,并且好于小强度。

    Aerobic exercise ( walking ) with medium and slight intensity can obviously debase 56-60 aged-men 's fattiness-weight and percentage of body-fattiness , yet the effect of medium intensity aerobic exercise is obvious and better than one of slight intensity .

  29. 体脂百分比与身体质量指数、腰臀比的相关分析:身体质量指数不是决定体育专业大学生体脂百分比的主要因素,且对于体育专业学生误差较大。

    Correlation analysis of body fat percentage , BMI and WHR : BMI was not the main factor that influenced the body fat percentage of college students , and it could result in more errors when estimating body fat percentage .

  30. 结果:运动员在快降期热能摄取显著低于慢减体重期,且体脂百分比也有显著下降(P<0.05);

    The result showed that all subjects dietary energy showed a significant decrease ( P < 0.05 ) during quick weight reduction period compared to the slow weight reduction period , and body mass and fat percent has a significant reduction ( P < 0.05 ) .