
  1. 回归美学的感觉学原意&关于建构体验美学的思考

    Regression into Original Intention of Science of Perception of Aesthetics ── Concerning Consideration of Construction of Experienced Aesthetics

  2. 禅宗美学是一种直觉式、心悟式的体验美学,领悟越深,禅宗美学特质才越能被描述全然。

    Zen aesthetics is an intuitive , heart enlightenment experience aesthetic , and understand deeper the Zen aesthetic qualities before more can be described completely .

  3. 先是从体验美学理论、体验心理学理论和体验学习理论对二度体验式作文教学的建立进行理论的分析。

    The answers are the theatrical and the practical perspective of the Second Time Experience Composition Teaching . Firstly , it can be analyzed from the view of experiential aesthetic theory , experiential psychological theory and experiential learning theory .

  4. 宗白华作为是二十世纪中国美学史上的杰出美学家,以艺术体验为美学研究的挈入点,独特地走出了散步美学的道路。

    Zong Bai-hua , the prominent aesthetician in the history of Chinese aesthetics in 20th century has made many original achievements by study of art experience .

  5. 体验是美学,尤其是艺术美学中的核心问题,是贯穿于创作、欣赏、消费及传播之始终的精神活动。

    Experience is both a core subject of aesthetics , especially artistic aesthetics , and a kind of spiritual activity which permeates the creation , appreciation , consumption and spread .

  6. 通过对体验从美学、哲学、心理学的分析我们可以把体验定义为:体验,既是一种活动,也是活动的结果,更是一种心理状态。

    Through the assaying to living experience from the angles of aesthetics , philosophy and psychology , We can defined living experience as : Living experience is not only a kind activity , a status , but also a psychological status .

  7. 艺术的体验与古典美学的终结

    The Experience of Art and the End of Classical Aesthetics

  8. 于是,在美学史上不断以各种形式重申的、属于个人生活领域的体验在当代美学理想中又一次登场。

    As a result , experience which was reasserted in various forms and belonged in personal life field , re-emerged in contemporary aesthetical ideal .

  9. 分析森林美学因素,能扩大审美视野,提高审美情趣,帮助人们体验森林的美学价值。

    It can expand the aesthetic vision , improve the aesthetic temperament , and help people to appreciate the aesthetic value by dissecting these aesthetic factors .

  10. 本文对宋明理学美学的美学内蕴的论述主要从美学本体论、审美范畴、审美境界、美感体验及艺术美学等方面进行阐释。

    This dissertation makes an detail analysis of this connotation from different angles , such as aesthetic ontology , aesthetic category , aesthetic state ( Jing-jie ), aesthetic experience and aesthetic of art .

  11. 从怀疑论和现象学的逻辑联系考察,它对于美学的启迪意义在于,消解传统哲学的二元对立的本体论,接纳纯粹意识作为审美主体,并将想象和体验引申为美学的方法。

    Considering the logical connection between skeptic and phenomenology , its edificatory sense to sceptical aesthetics is that : to eliminate the classical philosophical ontology of dualistic opposite , to receive pure consciousness as the aesthetic subject , and to extend the imagination and experiences to the aesthetic methodology .

  12. 首先,对城市公共空间和节庆装饰的概念系统进行基础研究,强调环境知觉体验及节庆装饰美学形式特征的研究,侧重于人与装饰环境之间的互动关系。

    First , the basic researching on the concept system of urban public space and the festive decorations , emphasis on environmental consciousness experience and aesthetic form characteristics of the festive decorations , focusing on the interaction between people and the decoration environment .

  13. 虚拟现实中的审美体验既是对传统体验美学观点的延续,也是传统现实体验美学的颠覆。

    The aesthetics practice in virtual reality is the continuity of traditional viewpoint as well as toppling down it .

  14. 应回归美学原意,从体验的角度建立一种体验美学。

    It is necessary regress into the original intention of aesthetics to establish an experienced aesthetics from the experienced angle .

  15. 构建的模型分为四个维度,包括效用价值体验维度、技术功能体验维度、美学情感体验维度、用户个性特征维度。

    The model is divided into four dimensions , including the experience of utility value , technical function , aesthetic and emotional experience dimensions , user personality characteristics dimension .

  16. 根据人本主义心理学家马斯洛的高峰体验理论,对审美体验的最高境界进行了阐释,指出高峰体验理论美学化的研究前景。

    The paper makes some explanation on the highest state of aesthetic experience by using peak experience theory of Maslow , a humanistic psychologist , and points out the research prospect that puts the theory of peak experience into aesthetic .

  17. 二度体验式作文教学是体验式作文教学的一个重要组成部分,它们都以体验美学理论为基础,都注重文学作品中的体验表达。

    The Second Time Experience Composition Teaching is an important part of Experience Composition Teaching . Both of them are based on the aesthetic theory and focus on the experience of expression in literature .