Regression into Original Intention of Science of Perception of Aesthetics ── Concerning Consideration of Construction of Experienced Aesthetics
Zen aesthetics is an intuitive , heart enlightenment experience aesthetic , and understand deeper the Zen aesthetic qualities before more can be described completely .
The answers are the theatrical and the practical perspective of the Second Time Experience Composition Teaching . Firstly , it can be analyzed from the view of experiential aesthetic theory , experiential psychological theory and experiential learning theory .
Zong Bai-hua , the prominent aesthetician in the history of Chinese aesthetics in 20th century has made many original achievements by study of art experience .
Experience is both a core subject of aesthetics , especially artistic aesthetics , and a kind of spiritual activity which permeates the creation , appreciation , consumption and spread .
Through the assaying to living experience from the angles of aesthetics , philosophy and psychology , We can defined living experience as : Living experience is not only a kind activity , a status , but also a psychological status .
The Experience of Art and the End of Classical Aesthetics
As a result , experience which was reasserted in various forms and belonged in personal life field , re-emerged in contemporary aesthetical ideal .
It can expand the aesthetic vision , improve the aesthetic temperament , and help people to appreciate the aesthetic value by dissecting these aesthetic factors .
This dissertation makes an detail analysis of this connotation from different angles , such as aesthetic ontology , aesthetic category , aesthetic state ( Jing-jie ), aesthetic experience and aesthetic of art .
Considering the logical connection between skeptic and phenomenology , its edificatory sense to sceptical aesthetics is that : to eliminate the classical philosophical ontology of dualistic opposite , to receive pure consciousness as the aesthetic subject , and to extend the imagination and experiences to the aesthetic methodology .
First , the basic researching on the concept system of urban public space and the festive decorations , emphasis on environmental consciousness experience and aesthetic form characteristics of the festive decorations , focusing on the interaction between people and the decoration environment .
The aesthetics practice in virtual reality is the continuity of traditional viewpoint as well as toppling down it .
It is necessary regress into the original intention of aesthetics to establish an experienced aesthetics from the experienced angle .
The model is divided into four dimensions , including the experience of utility value , technical function , aesthetic and emotional experience dimensions , user personality characteristics dimension .
The paper makes some explanation on the highest state of aesthetic experience by using peak experience theory of Maslow , a humanistic psychologist , and points out the research prospect that puts the theory of peak experience into aesthetic .
The Second Time Experience Composition Teaching is an important part of Experience Composition Teaching . Both of them are based on the aesthetic theory and focus on the experience of expression in literature .