
  1. 足球运动的对抗强度和体能储备的分析

    Soccer Movement Resistance Intensity and Physical Ability Reserve

  2. 结论:强化训练能在短期内快速促进体能储备;

    Biological Mass-energy CONCLUSION : Forced training method can improve physical readiness in a short time .

  3. 但中国队中锋球员体能储备较差,高负荷、高强度对抗持续时间达不到世界强队比赛强度标准。

    But China players ' fitness center reserves is poorer , high load , high strength against duration can not reach the tough team standard .

  4. 为了获得好的排名,运动员必须面对连续参赛带来的训练不系统、体能储备不足等问题。

    In order to get good rankings , athletes must face the problems , such as the discontinuous training system , not enough physical reserve .

  5. 因此篮球运动员不仅仅要求身体素质过硬、体能储备良好,还要求头脑灵活、思维敏捷。

    Physical power reserve is therefore fine not only requiring that physical constitution is perfect the basketball athlete , requires that the mind is nimble , thought is agile .

  6. 研究结果表明:身体素质训练技术化的构思对素质与技术的同步协调发展、加强完成专项技术所需要的体能储备,掌握、完善技术有着极大的综合优势。

    The result shows that the idea of technological adjustment of body training athletes plays an active role in coordinating the development of constitution and skill , strengthening body energy reserve , mast - erring and perfecting technology .

  7. 它不仅可以检验军人在各种复杂情况下耐力、负重能力、体能储备和意志品质;而且还可以评价官兵在特殊情况下的适应能力和应急作战能力。

    It can not only test the soldiers in various complicated conditions , weight capacity , endurance and physical reserves and quality of will ; but also can evaluate the officers and soldiers in the special case of adaptability and emergency response capabilities .

  8. “体能上姚明储备已经很充分,”奥拉朱旺说。

    " Yao has it all physically ," Olajuwon says .

  9. 为了保持良好的竞技状态,如何利用赛间来安排合理体能训练得内容、手段、负荷、时间是职业球员获得好的体能储备的关键。

    In order to keep in good shape , how to use the time reasonably to arrange contents , means , load and time of physical and condition training , is the key of a professional players to get a good physical reserves .