
  • 网络bulk forming;massive forming
  1. 因此,将板料冲压成形和冷锻体积成形工艺相结合的FCF加工法成为冷压加工技术的主要发展方向之一,越来越引人注目。

    Thus FCF process which combines metal plate stamping with cold forging in bulk forming process has become one of the primary orientations of cold pressure forming , attracting more and more concern now .

  2. 精冲-体积成形复合加工工艺及其应用

    Combined process and its application of fine blanking and bulk forming

  3. 其中有限元方法(FEM)经过不断的发展成熟,在金属体积成形过程数值模拟中发挥着重要的作用。

    Finite element method ( FEM ) has played an important role in the numerical simulation of bulk metal forming processes .

  4. 基于速度场函数的MLS近似离散形式,推导建立了三维金属体积成形问题中应变速率向量、等效应变速率、体积应变速率的离散格式。

    The velocity field is approximated by MLS method . Based on the expression of velocity field approximation function , the discretized formats of strain rate vector , effective strain rate and volumetric strain rate are established .

  5. 利用体积成形软件DEFORM对硅钢片的轧制变形过程进行有限元数值模拟,其中包括对轧件不同厚度层应力及应变分布、整个轧制过程的扭矩分布的数值模拟。

    The Finite Element ( FE ) numerical simulation to the rolling process of silicon steel sheet was carried out by the software DEFORM , including the distribution of rolling stress and strain in the different thickness layers , and the torque distribution in the whole rolling process .

  6. 采用大型体积成形模拟软件DEFORM3D对整个成形过程进行了有限元数值模拟。

    The whole deformation process of rotary-forging has been simulated by applying DEFORM3D and the stress field , strain field , velocity field and metal flow condition have been analyzed .

  7. 利用三维体积成形有限元模拟软件Deform3D对多种毛坯进行了成形模拟,研究了毛坯尺寸对导电嘴成形过程和成形质量的影响。

    The forming process are simulated using 3D bulk forming FEM software - Deform 3D , and the influence of forging blank dimension to the quality of throttle body is studied .

  8. 塑性体积成形中金属流动及应变分布的测试

    Measurement of strain distribution and matal flow in plastic bulk deformation

  9. 7075铝合金防扭臂下接头等温体积成形工艺的研究

    Isothermal forming process of 7075 alloy anti torque arm lower joint

  10. 虚拟试验体系在金属体积成形中的应用研究

    Study on the application of virtual trial system at metal bulk forming

  11. 体积成形数值模拟边界接触摩擦与滑动约束处理

    Boundary friction and slipping constraint treatment of numerical simulation for massive forming

  12. 体积成形过程物理模拟技术的研究及应用

    The research and application of physical simulation for bulk forming

  13. 金属体积成形预成形设计的现状及发展

    The current situation and development of preform design in bulk metal forming

  14. 体积成形过程预成形优化设计系统的开发研究

    Research on preform optimization design and system development for bulk forming processes

  15. 金属体积成形过程有限元模拟中六面体网格重划技术的研究

    Research on Hexahedron Remeshing in Finite Element Simulation of Metal Bulk Forming

  16. 精密体积成形模具的设计制造与模具寿命

    The Design and Manufacture of the Precision Body Forming Die and Its Service

  17. 体积成形过程的三维刚塑性有限元模拟技术研究

    A Research of Metal Volume Forming Process by Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation

  18. 基于全量理论的金属体积成形有限元模拟研究

    Research on Finite Element Simulation of Bulk Metal Forming Based on Deformation Theory

  19. 精密体积成形技术的现状及其发展

    The Actuality and Development of Precision Bulk Forming Technique

  20. 金属体积成形三维数值仿真的研究进展

    Advances of 3D Simulation for the bulk forming process

  21. 金属体积成形过程中温度场的分析

    Analysis of temperature field during bulk metal forming

  22. 体积成形过程的模型跟随自适应控制

    Adaptive Model Following Control in Bulk Forming Process

  23. 提出一种适合于金属体积成形有限元分析的六面体网格的自动生成方法&子区域法。

    This paper introduced a method of automatic hexahedral mesh generation named subregion method .

  24. 镁合金射钉枪端盖等温体积成形试验研究

    Experimental Study of Magnesium Alloy Isothermal Bulk Forming Process for Cover of Nail Gunshot Machine

  25. 2618铝合金摇臂等温体积成形工艺的研究

    Isothermal Forming Process of 2618 Alloy Rockerarm

  26. 基于体积成形的虚拟试验体系

    Virtual Trial System Base on Bulk Forming

  27. 楔块体积成形模的应用

    Using of wedge-action die for bulk forming

  28. 体积成形数值模拟中利用螺旋压力机成形的能量法与速度法分析

    Analysis of energy method and velocity method of screw press used in simulation of forging process

  29. 金属体积成形模拟技术

    Numerical Simulation of Bulk Metal Forming

  30. 本文可为微体积成形及其他微成形工艺的实际生产提供参考。

    The thesis could provide technical references for the process of micro plastic forming and other micro-forming .