
tuǐ tòng
  • leg pain;skelalgia
腿痛[tuǐ tòng]
  1. 多因素回归分析提示,患者术前JOA评分及腿痛VAS评分对术后临床疗效有显著影响。

    Logistic regression analysis showed that Preoperative leg pain VAS and preoperative JOA score were the statistically significant factors to the clinical results .

  2. 在住院时间、并发症发生率、二次手术率、术后腿痛VAS评分及术后JOA评分,两者差异无统计学意义。

    No difference with regard to the inpatient stay , complication , reoperation rate , postoperative VAS of leg pain and JOA score were noted .

  3. 别对我胡说八道什么腿痛了。

    Don 't give me that nonsense about your bad leg !

  4. 那条狗因为腿痛而虚弱。

    The dog was weak because it had a sore leg .

  5. dan大声叫着,我的腿痛得很厉害。

    Dan screaming , pain cutting into my leg .

  6. 腰椎间盘突出症(lumbardischerniation,LDH)是常见的腰腿痛疾病之一,发病率占腿痛病人的25%。

    Lumbar disc herniation ( LDH ) , which is demonstrated in 25 % of back and leg pain patients , is one of the most common diseases with back and leg pain .

  7. 评价指标主要关注:手术前后下腰痛、腿痛的JOA评分对比;植骨融合情况;滑脱纠正状况及并发症。

    Evaluation focused on : comparison JOA scores of low back pain and leg pain ; interbody fusion ; slip conditions and complications before and after surgery .

  8. 28例行ALIF者,27例腰腿痛症状基本消失,术前、术后VAS腰痛评分,有非常显著性差异(P<001)。

    Twenty seven treated with ALIF basically disappeared low back pain ; the VAS after operation was decreased significantly in comparison with that of preoperation ( P < 0 01 ) .

  9. 我无法走路因为腿痛。

    I can 't walk because of the pain in my leg .

  10. 你的腿痛不是因跑步引起的。

    Well , the pain in your leg is not from running .

  11. 踢了两个小时足球后,他感到腿痛。

    His legs ached after playing football for two hours .

  12. 结合68例腰腿痛病例临床资料进行分析。

    68 clinical cases of lumbocrural pain were analyzed .

  13. 全身虚弱,而腿痛变得很厉害。

    There was general debility , and pain in the legs become excruciating .

  14. 脚肿或者腿痛背痛。

    Swollen feet and possibly leg and back pain .

  15. 他的腿痛变得难以忍受。

    The throbbing in his leg was becoming unbearable .

  16. 腰椎间造影过程中能复制出腰腿痛症状。

    In the process of discography the lumbar leg ache symptom can be copied .

  17. 我恶心想吐,腿痛,感到虚弱极了。

    I was nauseated , my legs hurt , and I felt very weak .

  18. 忽然及剧烈的活动可使疼痛加重,腿痛需使腿部弯曲。

    Any sudden and severe movement increases the pain to point where the legs may buckle .

  19. 腿痛穴芒刺配合阳陵泉温针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察

    Clinic Observation of Prolapse of Lumber Intervertebral Disc Treatment by the Positive Mausoleum Acupuncture with Needle Warming Moxibustion

  20. 方法152例腰腿痛病人随机分为治疗组和对照组,分别采用汽化药热疗及超短波治疗。

    Method 152 patients suffering from lumbago & lower extremity pain were diveded into experimental group and control group .

  21. 评估结果的主要指标为主要症状(腿痛或腰痛)改善程度的自我评价。

    The primary outcome measure was self-reported improvement in the predominant symptom ( leg pain or back pain ) .

  22. 差:症状加重。结果:98例腰腿痛患者中,优良率为79%(77/98);

    RESULTS : Excellent and good rate was 79 % ( 77 / 98 ) of 98 backleg pain patients .

  23. 通过瑜伽练习,孕妇的肿胀,背痛,腿痛和失眠现象都将有所改善。

    Women have also experienced reduced swelling , back and leg pain , and insomnia through the practice of prenatal yoga .

  24. 术前严重的腰痛可能是腿痛难以改善的预测因素。

    Furthermore , it certified that the severe LBP maybe a negatively predictive factor for the follow-up outcome of leg pain .

  25. 结果碳酸钙和维生素D复合剂每日1片能明显改善骨质疏松引起的腰背疼和腿痛性痉挛,有明显疗效。

    Results Caltrate D one tablet daily significantly relieved the low back pain of osteoporosis patients and the cramp in the legs .

  26. 脑损伤、颅内手术后出现腰、臀、骶尾、腿痛268例分析

    Treatment analysis of 268 cases with the pain of waist , hips , sacral-coccygeal portion and thighs in post-operation of cerebral injuries

  27. 减压作为退变性腰椎滑脱症手术治疗的基本原则,在改善患者腿痛方面起主要作用。

    Decompression is necessary for the surgical treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis , which is major effect on the improvement of leg pain .

  28. 结论单纯减压和减压融合两种手术方式治疗退行性腰椎疾病在总体疗效、疼痛减轻程度、术后腿痛人数、术后随访期二次手术人数和围手术期并发症等方面,差异无统计学意义;

    Conclusions There are no significant differences between the two procedures in clinical outcomes , incidences of postoperative leg pain , re-operation and complications .

  29. 22例腰腿痛消失,直腿抬高试验(-),术后1个月恢复正常生活和工作。

    Both lumbago and leg pain disappeared in all the 22 patients who resumed their work and normal life one month after the operation .

  30. 目的探讨腰源性腿痛患者的症状、体征与腰神经根的对应关系,为腰神经根周围减压的选择提供依据。

    Objective To discuss the correlation between the symptoms , signs and the nerve root so that to supply the according for the root decompression .