
  • 网络Kick;Leg
  1. 跆拳道运动中的腿法技术是跆拳道运动最核心的内容,腿法技术在跆拳道比赛中的应用更是训练水平高低与训练方法优劣的体现。

    Kick skills in Taekwondo is the key content of Taekwondo movement , and the application of kick skills in Taekwondo competition reflects the training levels and training methods .

  2. 对2004年全国武术散打冠军赛决赛腿法技术运用的分析研究

    Analysis on Sanda Leg Technique of 2004 National Sanda Championships Finals

  3. 高水平运动员在腿法技术运用成功率上明显高于低水平运动员。④在男子四个级别中80kg以上级运动员运用腿法技术成功率仅次于58kg级的运动员。

    The high rank athletes are significantly higher than the low ones on the ratio of success in using techniques .

  4. 方法制备大鼠佐剂性关节炎动物模型,采用钾离子透入法和辐射热缩腿法两种测痛方法,观察腹腔注射EM1(50μg/kg)的作用。

    Methods The experiment was performed in rats which adjuvant arthritis was treated by K + iontophoresis test and radiant heat withdrawal test to study the analgesic effect of intraperitoneal ( i.p. ) of EM 1 ( 50 μ g / kg ) .

  5. 使用成功率最高的腿法是侧踹腿;

    The side-heel-kick was the highest hitting percentage of leg techniques ;

  6. 武术散打腿法与跆拳道腿法的比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Leg Technique between Wushu and Taekwondo

  7. 运动员全面的身体素质是有效使用各种腿法技术的前提。

    Comprehensive physical conditions is the basis for effectively using leg techniques .

  8. 优秀女子散打运动员腿法技术运用的研究

    A Study on the Leg Skills Used by Excellent Women Sanda Athletes

  9. 提高腿法攻击力的训练初探

    A Study on Improving Attack Strength by Leg-method Training

  10. 男子散打运动员可击范围拳法和腿法应答能力的研究

    Research on Kicking and Boxing Response Ability of Male Sanshou Sportsman Within Shot Scope

  11. 腿法类动作整体上没有运动员选用。

    However , leg action as a whole there is no player to select .

  12. 基本功包含主要步法、主要握法和主要腿法。

    Second , basic skill includes principal footwork , major hand holding methods and basic kicks .

  13. 侧踹腿是武术散打技术中最基本的腿法之一。

    Side-leg-kicking is one of the basic skills of leg use in sanda-a variety of Chinese martial art .

  14. 同时也注意腿法,肘法和身法的配合。

    At the same time , pay attention to the coordination of the leg , elbow and the body .

  15. 技术特点:拳法、腿法、肘法、膝法、摔法、擒拿的综合使用。

    Technique characteristics : Comprehensive application of boxing , kicking , elbowing , kneeing , wrestling , and sizing .

  16. 腿法踢击是跆拳道比赛中最主要的得分手段,是一切进攻技战术的最终目的和全部攻守矛盾的应用焦点。

    Kick is the most important scoring method in Taekwondo competition , as well as the final aim to attack and defend .

  17. 比如,“我喜欢你的头发”、“腿法不错啊”、“你笑起来真美”。

    Like , um , " I love your hair . " " Awesome kicks . " " You have a beautiful smile . "

  18. 分析各种腿法的运用时机,掌握好时间、距离和空间差,是正确运用腿法的先决条件。

    The preconditions of applying kicking methods correctly involve analyzing the application opportunity of various kicking methods , grasping the time , distance and space difference .

  19. 通过调查研究发现,正踹腿、侧踹腿和鞭腿是散手运动中最实用的腿法。

    The investigation and research has revealed that kicking the bucket directly , on the side and whipping legs are the most practical kicking methods in martial arts .

  20. 由步型、步法、手型、手法、腿法、跳跃、平衡、跌扑、滚翻等技法组成套路。

    The step form , footwork , hand type , method , leg , jumping , balance , or flutter , roll routine techniques , such as composition .

  21. 专项快速力量训练与一般快速力量训练相比,专项快速力量训练能更有效地提高跆拳道运动员步法及腿法的速度。

    Special strength training and general quickly fast than strength training , special fast strength training is more effective in improving kickboxing players gait and the speed of the participants .

  22. 中外女子腿法技术差距不大,意味着中国女子必须进一步加强作为散打技法中的主要得分技术腿法的训练。

    The gap is not big technological gap between Chinese and foreign female legs , meaning that Chinese women must be further strengthened as the main technique Sanda scoring skill Leg technological training .

  23. 拳法主要击打部位是头部;腿法的击打部位最广:包括头部、躯干和大腿。其中击中躯干的得分最多,大腿部位被击打的次数最多。

    Fist position focuses mainly on head , and leg drive strikes the widest parts : head , trunk and thigh , among which , trunk hits scores most and thigh hits second .

  24. 然后,挂捶和肘击。即使和他说话的时候,你也能感觉到他骨子里的血性。当然,接下来是腿法直击胯下或是上身。这就是他独特的个人魅力

    Even in conversation , you could feel his explosive nature.Of course , then they use legs , straight to the groin or come up . That 's a special kind of star power .

  25. 由此,该研究得出以下几点主要结论:(1)跆拳道专项快速力量训练,应以提高跆拳道运动员的腿法速度和步法速度为主要内容。

    As a result , the research reached the following conclusions : 1 . Taekwondo special fast strength training , should be to improve the speed of Taekwondo players kicking and footwork speed as the main content .

  26. 术科课程包括:腿法、拳术、器械科、竞技科、选修科、特别科、军事科七门。

    The technique branch curriculum includes : The leg law , the skill at martial arts , the instrument branch , athletics branch , take as an elective the branch , the special branch , military branch seven .

  27. 通过观看2005年辽宁省青少年散打比赛的录像,对比赛中运动员运用的主要腿法技术作以统计分析,结果表明:本次比赛中运用次数最多的腿法是鞭腿;

    Through watching the video-records of the Liaoning Teenagers'Sanshou Competition 2005 , we analyzed the statistics of the leg technique using in the matches , and got the result that the whip leg was the most utility times of leg technique s ;

  28. 通过现场观察,对2004年全国武术散打冠军赛我国优秀女子运动员腿法技术的使用情况进行统计分析,结果表明:女子散打运动员腿法技术使用单调;

    Based on the research methods of the spot observation , the author of the research gives a quantitative analysis of the present situation of leg skills used by excellent women athletes in the game of the 2004 whole country Sanda championship .

  29. 优秀散打运动员特长技法主要是拳法以冲拳、损拳为主,腿法以鞭腿为主,摔法以接腿摔、下潜摔、抱胸拌腿摔、过背摔为主。

    Excellent sanda athlete specialty fist technique is mainly to strike , whipped boxing is given priority to , great consistence with author give priority to . Wrestling to meet his leg , descend fall , hold chest mix leg , cross back fall primarily .