
dēnɡ tuǐ
  • kick one's legs
蹬腿 [dēng tuǐ]
  • (1) [stretch out one's legs]∶伸腿,腿向前下用力

  • (2) [die;pass away] [口]∶指人去世

  1. 我想最老的那些人快蹬腿了。

    I thought the oldest were going to peg out .

  2. 他划桨平稳,蹬腿有力,回桨也快。

    His stroke is smooth , leg drive powerful recovery fast .

  3. 试论散手运动中蹬腿技术的特点及其训练

    On The Feature and Practice of Stretching in Sanshou Exercise

  4. 弯曲膝关节举起大腿,同时蹬腿呈骑行动作。

    Bend knees and lift legs and pedal with legs in a cycling motion .

  5. 在浅而急的水中,要用仰泳,先蹬腿。

    In fast , shallow water , swim on your back , feet first .

  6. 比如他们都有一流的身体流线性、强有力的蹬腿以及优秀的动作协调性。

    They all have a great streamlined body , a well-developed kick and great timing .

  7. 运动员在全身没入水中时,允许一次各下的海豚式打腿动作接着一次蹬腿动作。

    A single downward dolphin kick followed by a breaststroke kick is permitted while wholly submerged .

  8. 在整个比赛中,动作周期必须是以一次划臂和一次蹬腿的顺序完成。

    Throughout the race the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and one leg kick in that order .

  9. 蛙泳最常见的错误蹬腿动作是把膝盖伸展的比两脚位置还宽。

    The most common mistake I see in breaststroke kicking is letting the knees go wider than the feet .

  10. 蹬腿后,开始第一次划水,这时候仍然要尽量使面部朝下并与身体成一条直线。

    As you finish the kick , start your first pull , trying to keep your head down and in line .

  11. 太极拳蹬腿动作的下肢肌电活动规律、关节运动类型和平衡控制特征

    Patterns of Electromyography Activities , Types of Joint Movements and Mechanism of Balance Control of Low Extremities during Heel Kick Action of Taijiquan

  12. 蹬脚过低,是因为他们没有等到恰当的蹬墙出发时机而开始蹬腿并游离池边。

    When they plant the feet too low , it 's usually because they cannot WAIT to push off and start swimming again .

  13. 可能是活龙虾蹬腿时发出的噼里啪啦的声音,仅此而已。

    There may be a crackling noise from live lobsters as they rub their legs , together , but that 's about it .

  14. 不论事情会成什么样,我们都应当尽最大的努力。当我蹬腿时,我尽我最大的努力。

    No matter what the matter may be , we should do our best . When I am kicking , I am kicking my best .

  15. 初级组蛙泳腿部动作教学中常见错误及原因分析蛙泳,每次动作周期另增加一次蹬腿。

    The Common Mistakes of Leg Movements and The Analysis In Brest Stroke Teaching for First Learners Swim breaststroke , adding an extra kick to each cycle .

  16. 他蹬腿游向湖面,浮了上来,喘着粗气,看到大圈的涟漪从罗恩和赫敏落水的地方扩散开来。

    He kicked toward the surface and emerged , panting , to see enormous ripples emanating in circles from the places where Ron and Hermione had fallen .

  17. 计数训练更进一步,我也让游泳运动员做一个练习,这个练习我在蝶泳中也用到,只是在池中间开始蹬腿。

    Count drill-For the more advanced , I like them to do a drill that I also do in fly , but with kicking only in the middle .

  18. 能确定的是,上午11点50分,托儿所的助手看到宝宝在蹬腿,并向老板汇报了。

    What is determined is that at 11:50 a.m. the day-care assistant saw my baby kicking his legs and brought it to the attention of the day-care owner .

  19. 我喜欢听音乐,蹬腿,吃手,正在练习坐,还喜欢到户外活动,爱热闹,非常喜欢新鲜的人和事物。

    I like music , stretching my legs , eating hands and I am practicing sitting , I also like outdoor activities , like to be in fresh places , the colourful things , the amusement park .

  20. 只用膝盖全身正对池壁(只有头露出水面),膝盖不动,抬起脚后跟做蛙泳蹬腿。

    Knees only-Full body against a wall ( head is about the only thing out of the water ) bringing your heels up to be able to kick breast without being able to move their knees to start their kick .

  21. 这个阶段里,腿部蹬水的动作应该慢一些,同时试着把漂浮物垂直摁进游泳池中,借助浮力练习蹬腿的动作。

    Your kick action should be a little slower at this level . Slow kicks are better for long distances . For more resistance , place the float vertically into the water so it is half submerged and practise your slow kick action .
