
tuǐ dài
  • Legband;bottom bands of trouser legs;anklet;long and wide tape used to fasten the bottom of a trouser leg
腿带 [tuǐ dài]
  • [anklet;long and wide tape usedto fasten the bottom of a trouser leg] 防寒用的束紧裤腿或睡裤底部的带子

腿带[tuǐ dài]
  1. 欧洲大型矶鹬,腿带点儿绿色。

    Large European sandpiper with greenish legs .

  2. 但如果你拒绝参与游戏,你的手臂和腿带将引爆。

    For if you don 't , the straps on your arms and legs will detonate .

  3. 交腿带蒂腓肠肌外侧头肌皮瓣治疗足跟外侧深部溃疡

    The treatment to the deep ulcer in the lateral part of heel with the lateral head of gastrocnemius muscular cutaneous flap from the crossing legs