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  • 网络Nature Gate
  1. 后五学门则由低至高依序为兽医学门、军警国防安全学门、医药卫生学门、自然科学学门、建筑及都市规划学门。

    Those least worried had studied veterinary medicine , police and national security , medicine and health , and the natural sciences followed by architecture and then urban planning .

  2. 人·科技·自然&中华世纪门规划设计构想

    Humanity · Technology · Nature : Design Conception of China Arch for New Millennium

  3. 系统科学是20世纪兴起的联系社会科学与自然科学的一门横断性学科,是探索整体、演化及其复杂性的科学。

    Modern systems science develops in 20th century which explores macrocosm , evolvement and complexity .

  4. 但在改造自然方面,这门科学对我们党来说,对我们干部来说,或者是不懂,或者是懂得太少了。

    On the whole , our party and cadres have learned the science of class struggle , but they know little or nothing about the science of transforming nature .

  5. 其实,有爱猫人士和爱狗人士,有苹果机拥趸和个人电脑粉丝,自然也就有关门者和不关门者。

    In fact , just as there are cat people and dog people , Mac people and PC people , there seem to be Lock People and No Lock People .

  6. 自然科学作为一门研究自然界的物质形态、结构、性质和运动规律的科学,直接或间接地影响着竞技体育运动的发展。

    The natural science is a subject , in which the forms , the structure , the quality and the movement laws of substances in nature are studied , which influence directly and indirectly on the competitive sport development .

  7. 语文是一门集人文性和工具性相统一的基础性学科,高考,作为选拔人才的高规格的考试,自然对语文这门基础学科要进行考察,而且要求也更高。

    Chinese is a basic subject united with humanism and instrumental . College entrance examination , as a grand examination to select talented persons , naturally examines the basic subject Chinese and higher demands are put forward to it .