
  • 网络Autonomous communities;Independent Communities
  1. 美国路易斯安那州东南部的一个非自治社区,位于密西西比河河畔,新奥尔良以西。人口15550。

    An unincorporated community of southeastern Louisiana on the Mississippi River west of New Orleans . Population , 15,550 .

  2. 笔者收集了业主自治社区的四个典型案例,依据奥斯特罗姆对公共物品自主管理的理论,对这些社区进行了划分与分析。

    The author collected four typical cases of owners ' autonomous community , on the basis of Ostrom of autonomous management of public goods theory , make a division and analysis of these communities .

  3. 论村民自治与社区管理

    The Villagers ' Autonomy and Community Management

  4. 实行属地治理、单位负责、居民自治、社区服务模式。

    Execute apanage management , unit autonomy of responsible , dweller , community serves mode .

  5. 自治型社区建设研究论高校的自主管理权

    The Establishment of the Self - control Community On Universities ' Right Of Self - governing

  6. 社区自治成为社区发展的必然趋势和终纵目标。

    Self governing of the community is the inexorable trend and final object of the community development .

  7. 社区自治和社区自治组织体制改革是目前学术界探讨的两个热点话题。

    Community autonomy and the system reform of self-governance organization in community are both the hot topics discussed by academia .

  8. 社区自治作为社区参与的高级形态亦引起政府和学者的重视。

    As the senior form of community participation , community autonomy has caused the attention of the government and scholars .

  9. 围绕加强社区居民自治、社区党建新途径和党务工作者素质提高几个问题提出了具体的解决办法。

    There are several concrete solutions : Strengthen community self-government , the new ways of Community Party Building and diathesis upgrading of the Party members and other Party staff .

  10. 进而运用政治学中的治理理论提出社区行政模式,通过分析社区行政、社区自治与社区治理三者的特征与关系,得出社区治理模式是我国转型时期城市社区改革的理想目标模式。

    The Theory of Governance and the Innovation of the Government Administration of China Then with the theory of governance , it seems that community governance model is more practical and can be taken as an ideal model in theory .

  11. 而目前城市社区研究多关注于社区自治、社区机制体制创新、社区参与、社区权力、社区服务等方面内容,对社区公共空间这种物质基础与社区发展之间的关系问题很少有人做研究。

    At present , urban community studies pays more attention to community 's autonomy , community 's mechanism system innovation , community 's participation , community 's power , community service , etc. There are very little study between community public space and community development .

  12. 中国农村的村民自治和城市社区自治都是地方治理的重要举措。

    Rural villagers ' self-governance and urban community self-governance are the important examples .

  13. 推进城市社区自治是城市社区建设的目标取向。

    The goal orientation of urban communities ' construction is to promote self-government .

  14. 基层自治:对社区公共事务和文化生活的管理&日本冲绳县言壳谷村区自治会的考察与分析

    Autonomy at Basic Level : The Management of Public Work and Cultural Life in Community

  15. 社区自治组织是社区管理的重要主体,它的健康成长关系到社区和谐稳定。

    Community autonomy organizations are important subject of community managements with the relationship to the healthy growth of the community harmony and stability .

  16. 城市社区改革与农村居民自治使得基层社区的治理结构更加灵活,基层治理自由程度的提高,传统的层级式管理在自治的社区一级面临困难。

    Governance structure becomes more flexible because of community reform and village autonomy , which makes the hierarchical management more difficult in " autonomy community " level .

  17. 另一方面,通过培育社区公民精神、构造社区信任体系及建立社区自治规范培育社区关系资本。

    On the other hand , through the cultivation of community citizen spirit , community trust system and establishment of community autonomous specification of fostering community relationship capital .

  18. 社区管理是一项系统、长期的工程,涉及政府、社区自治组织、社区社会组织、驻社区单位、社区居民等多方利益主体。

    Community management is a systematic , long-term project involving multi-stakeholders of the government , community self-government organizations , community and social organizations , in community units , community residents .

  19. 而在尾矿库的治理机制上,要强化社区自治,完善社区自治治理的政治与社会制度体系,强化失事保证金制度。

    For tailings storage facility government mechanism , we have to strengthen community autonomy , complete political and social system of community autonomy governance , and intensify deposit system for accidents .

  20. 为此,要在治理理念的指导下,依靠政府积极有效引导社区自治组织、社区居民广泛参与社区公共事务的管理。

    Therefore , the broad participation of residents in communities in public administration should be encouraged in adherence to the government leadership and the active guidance of government on autonomous communities .

  21. 建议通过推进社区自治,完善社区服务、完善社区文化体系、完善社区管理体系、提高公民素质,增强参与意识等措施加强我国的社区建设。

    This thesis suggests to enhance our community construction by advancing Community autonomy , perfecting Community service , perfecting cultural system of community , perfecting the managing system of community , confirming citizenship , cultivating public spirit , etc.

  22. 对政府及有关部门、社区自治组织、社区居民、社区党组织在实现城市和谐社区建设指导标准中的作用进行界定。

    The respective roles of government and relevant departments , community governance organizations , community residence and community CPC organs in terms of construction of harmonious community were defined to form the specific approach options for constructing harmonious community .

  23. 随着行政体制改革的推进,城市社区治理主体也开始向多元化的方向发展,社区自治组织、社区居民以及非政府组织逐渐成为社区治理的重要力量。

    With the deepening of reform of the administrative system , the needs of the community becoming more diverse , the community autonomous organization , the resident as well as the Non-governmental organizations become the important force which participated community governance .

  24. 在社区循环层面,自治是实现社区废弃物利用的重要条件,只有通过社区成员的自我约束机制,通过自治定价的方式才能有利于废弃物分类和将分散的废弃物进行集中。

    In community circulation level , autonomy is the important conditions to realize waste utilization in community , and only by the self-discipline mechanism from members of the community and by Autonomous pricing can be helpful for waste classification and dispersed waste concentration .

  25. 本文从政治学的视角,运用治理理论,分析了我国村民自治和城市社区自治的产生及其与治理的关系,并提出中国从治理走向善治的选择思路。

    From visual angle of politics , based on the theory of governance , the paper analyzes the emerging of villagers ' self-governance and urban community self-governance and its influence to governance in China , and also puts forword the idea to " good governance " in China .

  26. 同时还要处理社区自治组织与社区党组织、业主委员会、物业管理公司和社区中介组织等组织的关系,形成良好的、互动的社区自治组织的生态系统。

    And it also means to deal with the relationship between the community self-governing organizations and other organizations such as community party organizations , proprietors ' committees , property management companies and community intermediary organizations , so that establish a well and mutually beneficial ecological system of community self-governing organizations .

  27. 从自发到自治&试论加拿大社区发展

    From Spontaneity to Autonomy : On the Community Development in Canada

  28. 中国城市社区自治研究:行政社区到公民社区

    Research on Autonomy of Chinese Community from Administrative Community to Citizen 's Community

  29. 可能也不会有村级别的自治,或是社区公有财产或福利。

    There would be neither village autonomy , nor community-owned assets or welfare .

  30. 指向自下而上的自治性整合的社区制社会整合模式就是在这一背景下进行建构的。

    Pointing to the down-top autonomous integration , " the community system " is constructed under this background .