
Germany 's central bank , the Bundesbank , is already on the hook for at least 800 billion dollars of peripheral country debt . And that 's about a quarter of German GDP .
But they are fraying . Germany 's centralbank , the Bundes bank , is already on the hook for at least 800 billion dollarsof peripheral country debt . And that 's about a quarter of German GDP .
Politically , the consequences could be almost as serious .
More than that , a Treasury crisis could potentially have consequences more catastrophic by far than the loss of two or three percentage points of output .
Investors are mesmerised by the inability of European politicians to deal with the sovereign-debt crisis and are worried about the health of the region 's banks .
Portugal , despite a smaller budget deficit and lower public debt than Greece , is widely touted as the next European country that may suffer a sovereign-debt crisis .
In short , a crisis in the Treasury market would be seismic , and the mere possibility should terrify policymakers .
But the country needs to bailout two banks weakened last year , when Greece defaulted on bonds those banks had bought .
Investors yesterday signalled growing concerns about the US economy , pushing bond yields down to the lowest levels since the height of the crisis .
The accounting treatment of the state owned bond repurchase cannot solve the crisis of the business fundamentally , but it can be a good basis to systematically solve the crisis .